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„What do you want here again?", Sweet Pea groaned when I walked by his trailer for the second time since we're back.

„Can we please talk? I don't even expect you to forgive me", I said nervously.

„I don't think so", he shook his head.

„Pea, I've listened to you when you cheated on me. It's only fair if I get to explain myself to you", I tried it in another way.

„Oh yeah? But you notice that there's a difference, right? You left me for three months, you left me alone here. But I didn't do anything to you before you ran away, we just got back together!", he yelled.

„Oh, so that's what you call it? I left you? Jug and I could have been dead! We fought for the Serpents and that's what I get to hear now? I didn't expect you to go to New York with me while I'm in the hospital but you barely came. You visited me once and then you decided to have the time of your life with Josie. I wouldn't say that's a better reason to cheat on me", I hissed back.

What he had said was a little too much for me. I mean almost no one besides Jug and Fangs had visited me, not my cousin Betty, not my sister Toni, not even my boyfriend.

I knew it wouldn't help to come here so I decided to go, „Archie and I've made a mistake, I know that and I regret it. And so did you but I forgave you because I love you more than I hate you for what you did. You know where you'll find me."

„Serpents", Jug welcomed everyone to our next meeting, „This morning, I've made a deal. We're going to be paid for a job. We're going to work as security for Veronica Lodge, for her bar and for her employees."

Everyone cheered happily which made me smile, too. Most of them didn't have a lot so they had to work harder but they did. And now they got the chance to do so. And it was good to see Sweet Pea's smile again although he didn't smile because of me. But after all, I wanted him to be happy. Mikey and Harry also smiled, they would work for Veronica, too and Bonnie thought about asking her if she could work behind the bar. I've overheard a conversation between the three of them saying that they wanted to give back something to my parents for helping them.

„Long live the Serpents!"

„Calm yourself", Jug's mood changed when we had to announce bad news, „Those are good news by way of a change but we're here because of a reason which is less celebratory."

Jughead had talked to me as soon as he found out about the bad news. And I would have to tell the others since it was about Toni, too. Dad told me to not go that far but Jug and I made a decision when we talked to Fangs. My heart raced.

„Cheryl, Toni, come forward", I asked them unwillingly.

„Excuse me?", Cheryl scoffed, „What did we do?"

„The two of you were in the Lodges' Apartment and stole a glamerge egg."

„And if so?"

„And then you left your card and that's how you made yourself guilty and dragged all of the Serpents down with you!", my voice became louder with Cheryl's arrogant behavior.

„I'm not scared of Lodge", she replied, „What is he going to do? Call the sheriff? Oh right, we don't have one."

„Cheryl, that's not what this is about. You broke the rules. Give me the jackets and then go", I demanded with a heavy heart.

„You two can't be serious. I'm a Serpent by blood. You can't take that away from me", Toni's had fear in her eyes.

„You're hypocrites. You let your friend Fangs deal with drugs but we get thrown out?"

„Oh, where did we get that from? Well, Fangs told Sweet Pea and he told me!", Toni added.

„And she told me. If you want our jackets, shouldn't you ask for his, too?"

I didn't turn around. I couldn't look at my dad right now, he would be extremely angry after this. But I had to make a decision. And I couldn't ask Jug or FP for help in front of the others.

„Ellie", Betty looked at me with hope but that wouldn't change the situation anymore.

„You're right", I gave in, „Fangs, give us your jacket."

„What the hell, man?", Sweet Pea shouted and came closer to us but Jug held him back.

„It's alright, Sweet Pea", Fangs walked to us, too, tears in his eyes again, „Some great leaders you are."

„Fangs!", Sweet Pea wanted to go after him with his jacket but FP stopped him.

„Cheryl, Toni", I looked at them.

„We'll go but we'll keep the jackets."

„I'm going to repeat myself. You'll give us the jackets", I said so commanding that they followed.

„And I want the egg", Jug added which made Cheryl laugh arrogantly.

„Give me the damn egg or we don't get the job from Veronica."

„Why would I care about that? I'm not a Serpent anymore."

„Because I think that there's a little sense of honor in you, Cheryl. It's going to be cold, the rest of us won't go back to Thistlehouse."

„Where's Harvey?", Harry wondered when we - Mom, Bonnie, Mikey, him and I - came home from Pops and no one was at home.

„Please tell me that he's not that angry, mom", I groaned annoyed because of this stupid decision.

„I guess he's talking to Toni, Harry", she answered his question and then looked at me, „You threw Toni out from the Serpents. I think that your decision was right, Elizabeth. But you've got to remember that he wasn't able to spend as much time with her as he did with you. Plus, we're having a complete family and Toni only has your dad."

„I know", I sighed because it really was all my fault, „Do you think that he'll forgive me?"

„Oh, mija", she chuckled lightly, „there's nothing that he has to forgive you. Jughead and you made a decision, FP thought it was right. Your dad would have supported that decision, too, if it wasn't about his daughter. We don't want Toni to think that he prefers one of you."

„Thanks, mom."

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