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„Els?", Sweet Pea looked at me surprised just two hours later when I stood in front of his trailer.

Bonnie had talked to me or made me come to right senses as she called it. According to her, it was stupid to say that we're starting slowly. We've had sex already, we've had cheated on each other, we've had had a turbulent relationship. „Why on earth would you stay away from him physically now?", she had thrown her arms around confused. I noticed that I couldn't answer her question and thought about it instead. She was right. What are we waiting for?

„Bonnie made me realize that it was stupid to think that we should start it slow again. I'm here to continue our relationship from the moment before the night of the gang fight when we didn't care about taking something slow. I love you, Pea, and I think it's time that I show you how much", I grinned more and more with each word before he pulled me closer and eventually threw me onto the couch just to kiss me again with his body leaning over me.

We've had to make good for the past five months or actually we wanted to do everything that we haven't done during that time. So after that, I took a well needed shower.

„I don't know if you've heard it but my mom is going to marry Kevin's dad", I heard Josie's voice when I stepped out of his shower.

Josie? What did she want here and why would she talk to my boyfriend about her mom?

„I wanted to ask you if you're going to be my date for the wedding."

Excuse me? My boyfriend as her date? Didn't she know that we were back together or did she just not care?

„Seriously, Josie, you didn't get the memo? Well, I'll tell you the news. Sweet Pea and I are back together since a week to be exact. I mean, did you not want to know it or did you just not care about it?", I stepped out of his bathroom - which was basically not the usual big bathroom since we were still in a trailer - and rolled my eyes.

I only wore a towel around my body because I had forgotten my clothes and I didn't care about it. I still hated her for what she did. I mean, I forgave Sweet Pea but he really tried to talk to me. But she just used him for her own selfish reasons. Why would you do that to your another girl? And yes, I know that I haven't been a better girlfriend to him but at least Veronica and Archie were officially no couple. Plus, Josie could have gotten anyone and had actually been against the Serpents.

„Oh, you're here", she realized but kind of ignored me, „And you're really back together, huh? So did you forget that she left and cheated on you?"

I scoffed. I know that I wasn't a saint but I wasn't the only person with mistakes in this room.

„Josie, I really appreciate that you came here and asked me. I didn't think you would come back after summer", Sweet Pea started, „But I've been lonely and it's just been a huge mistake back then. And as you see, we're back together. You're going to find another date for the wedding."

Josie left without a word which caused me to smile confidently. I mean, he could have been confused if he should really go back to her. After what I've done, I don't know if I would blame him.

„You looked hot, really hot", he grinned playing with the seam of my towel, „I love you, Ellie."

„I love you too, Pea."

Sweet Pea and I have been together for two weeks again and it was great. The boys helped Veronica against her dad and I met a few times with Bonnie and Betty which was weird for me in the beginning. I never had to message Betty when I wanted to see her because she's always been around. But now that we don't live together anymore, we didn't see each other as often. Fangs and Mikey and Harry became good friends and even Sweet Pea liked them although they were Ghoulies which he would hate normally but he had to admit that they were cool. The six of us often stayed at Fangs' or Sweet Pea's trailer.

„Any news about the Gargoyle gang or the weirdos from the farm?", I asked Jughead and Betty in school when I saw some of the farmies.

„We're no weirdos, Elizabeth. We're just a group of friends who have fun together. You should join. You look like you could need some fun", Evelyn suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

I raised an eyebrow skeptically, „Friends who've got fun together? That alone sounds strange. Plus, for my kind of fun, I've got my boyfriend."

„Ew gross", Jughead shook his head probably thinking about what my kind of fun means.

„Yeah, too much information", Betty nodded shyly which looked perfect to her dusty pink dress.

„Seriously? You out of all people look disgusted?", I exclaimed with a laugh.

„Disgusted about what?", Sweet Pea joined us with a confused look laying his arm around my waist and he kissed me.

„I told Evelyn that I prefer my kind of fun with you and our not so innocent couple here thinks it's too much information. I mean, Betty, I know you well enough to say you're a hot couple and you did the Serpent dance with me."

„It's still gross to imagine my friend with my best friend who I grew up with", Jug didn't look amused.

„I wouldn't say we're friends, Jones", Sweet Pea furled his eyebrows.

„Babe, it's time to admit that you like Jughead. You even hang out with Ghoulies", I chuckled playing with his hair, „And not to forget you went to the Lodge's house by the sea with me and two other couples only because you said you were okay with Jug."

„Maybe you should send him to the farmies to talk about feelings", Jughead mocked my boyfriend jokingly.

Sweet Pea sighed looking down at me, „You had to ruin my good image, huh?"

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