run away

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Everything seemed normal again for a few hours. But when Josie collapsed in school on the next day, I noticed Sweet Pea's glance. Has this really been just an affair? A one night only thing? He looked worried. And the fact that he looked like that at his ex-affair just a day after we got back together made me wonder.

„Pea, can we talk?", I asked him in front of Jug's trailer where the others were living now, too.

„Sorry, we've got to look for Joaquin but later alright?", he said softly and gave me a kiss.

„Wait, Joaquin? Why did no one tell me? I'm in."

„No, it's just Jughead, Fangs and I. We can do that, babe", he still smiled but something was wrong, I could feel that.

But I didn't spoke loudly. I kept it to myself. I knew it was because of my condition. They didn't think I was strong enough to make decisions anymore. They thought I'm too weak after what happened with Penny and Ace. If that's what they thought, so it be. I wouldn't force them to anything.

Jug had called me in the night saying that Archie wanted to run away because if he didn't, Hiram Lodge would do everything that he could to make him suffer. After some considerations, Jug and I had decided to help him. So we did by not letting him go on his own. We packed some clothes in a small bag and I took out enough money. I would usually only pay with a credit card because it was easier and we wouldn't have to be careful with how much money we spend for food but Hiram was probably smart enough to find out when we would use a credit card. We also didn't tell our parents. I only messaged Sweet Pea saying that I would be away for some time but not the reason for it. And I told Bonnie so she wouldn't worry about me. But I didn't even read their messages. I turned my phone off. Hiram could localize it.

„Here, some money and clothes to change in the bag", I smiled lightly giving Archie his bag after he had finished his call with Veronica.

„Plus some snacks and water", Jug added which made me laugh because he's a food junkie.

„Thank you for coming, guys."

„And you're sure to do that? I mean, your dad and Ronnie..", I was skeptical if it really was the best idea but best friends would help each other even if we didn't like the idea of it.

„It's the best option, my only one. You two know how it's like to be chased by some gang bosses."

„Yeah, we can understand that", I nodded.

„Joaquin is dead", Jug told us after a long sigh, „He's got the symbol that's burnt on your hip on his forehead. It means sacrifice."

„Sacrifice? Who the tell is doing that?", Archie became defensive.

With his background, I'm not surprised that he's ready to fight at any time. He was ready to defend himself and us whenever someone would attack the three of us.

„We've got no idea. At least, we don't have any evidence", Jug bit his lip frustrated.

„Hiram Lodge has got his hand in this", I muttered, I really hated that guy.

„He always has."

„Don't worry, I'll take care of you two", Jug joked, „Ever jumped on a train?"


„Let's try it?"

„Under other circumstances I'd like to emphasize the fact that the three musketeers are back", I laid my arms around both of their shoulders.

We walked miles for miles day for day. We had to, otherwise Hiram Lodge might overtake us. Jug took pictures of the landscape. Sometimes, we would try to call our friends. I had called Bonnie three times to ask if everything was alright. I wouldn't want to call Sweet Pea or my parents because they would be either angry or tell me to come home immediately. Plus, I think my dad could localize our spot, too. Not only Hiram Lodge was a powerful man.

Jughead was trying to call Betty while Archie and I sat under a tree a few hundred meters away. We talked about a lot. His time in juvie, my time with the Ghoulies, our plan.

„I'm glad that he couldn't kill you", Archie said slowly.

„Well, I'm glad, too", I joked a bit, „And I'm glad that we're doing this together. The three of us. Just like in our childhood. The three musketeers."

„Yeah only that you're braver than Jug and I together", Archie laughed with me, „And that we haven't always been friends."

„That was just a fake relationship, Archie, nothing that would disturb our friendship", I waved it off.

„No, I mean what happened before. You know-"

„You mean that we had both our first times together?", I spoke out what none of us had thought about the past months.

„Are you happy with Sweet Pea? It's not you to get back with someone who cheated on you, Ellie."

„Yeah and it's not you to be sent to Juvie, Archie", I tried to change the subject.

„We've never talked about it. I think it's time to."

„Archie, we're running away from a man who has ruined both our families. I think this could wait."

„Alright but you promise me that we're going to talk about it when we can stay somewhere?", he smiled at me charmingly so I gave in finally. We would talk about us.

Jug called Betty again but she never accepted the call. I had asked Bonnie to find out why but she was working on it. Betty wasn't at home and she didn't know why. That's all that we knew.

„Still not an answer?", I threw my head in my neck.

„Jug, Ellie, maybe you should go back", Archie suggested, „I'm fine, really."

„Archie, Betty has won the fight against a serial killer who's her own dad and you're not able to not be kidnapped or not be beaten up for five minutes. Don't take it personal."

„Plus, that was even before Hiram Lodge has marked you as sacrifice", I added and we started to walk again.

„Man, it would be great if I didn't have to look around all the time. A silent place to be would be great."

„We will find one. We're going to know it when we're there, we're going to feel it", Jug said funnily.

„Maybe we've found it", Archie pointed to the outlying farm a mile in front of us.

„I'm not so sure about it", I raised an eyebrow, it didn't look trustworthy to me.

„Yeah, it's not safe. Drop it. Let's walk a few miles until it's dark", Jug agreed with me.

„Guys, we have to sleep somewhere."

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