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„We need to talk", Sweet Pea sat down on the truck bed next me while everyone was watching the Ghoulies' territory.

I had been next to Fangs the whole time. Toni and Cheryl probably didn't know about what has happened but I've told Betty and Jug on our way home after the party. They had to drive me..

„I don't think so", I muttered.

„Man, don't be so stubborn both of you. Where's the problem? Why do you always fight?", Toni looked at us annoyed.

„There is none", I sighed not wanting to say more.

„Well, Sweet Pea had the guts to cheat on her for three months", Betty spoke from the front row.

„I'm trying to apologize here", he retorted turning his eyes back to me.

„Don't even start", I hissed, „There's no apology, not even an explanation for what you've done."


„Leave her alone, man", Jughead was able to keep Sweet Pea quiet luckily.

„We've been waiting for an hour and no one has been seen", Toni stated after another half an hour of waiting.

„Alright. Sweet Pea, you guys are keeping watch", Jug ordered so I followed him to release Hotdog.

If anything happened, it was best to let me talk to the Ghoulies. Although my luck wasn't quite the best.

„Hey, buddy, we're here to save you", I whispered trying to calm Hotdog down while Jug broke through the metal.

Right in that moment the light was turned on. Great, they've been watching us, too.

„Hey, Jonesy, Specter", Penny and Malachai walked to us with some of their Ghoulies in the back, „Welcome back to the Southside. I knew this would tempt you to come here. We have to talk."

„No, we don't. We just want our dog", Jug spoke for us.

I was still pretty afraid of seeing her after what she's done to us. She really had no mercy.

„If you don't want more then why would you send a spy here during summer? You're trying to find out more about our business. Or do you want the riot to happen again? Hey, daddy's princess, how's your knee? Heard loverboy got tired of you after Diego and I injured your body", she grinned at me evil which made me take a step back. Hell, even looking at her brought back all the memories and the pain.

„Yeah, I wanted to see what's going on here and I've been looking for Hotdog and now that we've got him, we're taking him with us."

„Hey, not so fast. Your jackets. The Southside's not yours anymore. That means you're no longer Southside Serpents."

„Seriously, our jackets?", I shook my head.

She laughed loudly, „Oh, the princess has got the courage to speak? We can also pull the jackets off of your dead bodies. I've heard that ponytail is a Serpent now, a Northside queen just like her mom. Maybe we'll choose her to be our next target."

„You'll get the jackets as long as the Ghoulies stay away from the Northside."

„Man, you don't make a demand on us here", Malachai stepped closer but just seconds later he shouted, his hand moved to his shoulder where Cheryl's arrow landed.


„I've told you that I'm in the mood for anger."

„That's enough, kill them all."

„Cheryl, let the next arrow go directly in between Penny's eyes!"

Penny held her arm in the air to tell the Ghoulies they should stop, „Congratulations, the Northside's our next target."

„Okay, I get that you want to take revenge on us", I started not being so sure if that was a good idea and if it would work but I had to do something, „You'll leave the Northside alone and I'll come back to you, Mal."

„What-", Jug started but was interrupted by Penny's laugh.

„If he wanted your injured body he could just take it. You're so naive, just like your mom."

I heard the others saying something in the background and I acted like I didn't heard the comment about my mom. This would have to work or else my friends and family were in danger.

„I'm not making a deal with you", I gained back my confidence, „It's a onetime offer, Mal. We can of course start another gang war but then the only chance to get me back will be when my body's dead."

„Good, you stay here and the others go, now!", he hissed angrily probably because of the arrow in his arm.

„What? No, Els, you're coming with us!", Jug yelled at me shocked.

„It's a deal, Juggie. Tell dad to concentrate on Archie. And tell Archie that I'm supporting him. He shouldn't do anything stupid."


„Go, now!", I shouted at him and the others so they really left for now.

I watched them leave with a sad look in my eyes. That's it. Sweet Pea and I are officially done. I mean, I could stay on the Southside, too, without any friends. Toni and Cheryl were annoyed already, Betty and Jug and Archie and Veronica had each other and Fangs was Sweet Pea's best friend anyways. My life has been all about Sweet Pea the past months so now that he's done with me, I could easily stay here. At least I wouldn't have to see everyone being happy.

„Don't be sad", Malachai chuckled resting his hand on my waist.

„Fuck off", I hissed pressing the arrow deeper and hobbled into the direction of the house of the dead.

„You're just like your mom trying to help everyone and in the end, you're the one who's hurt", Penny yelled after me and laughed.

„That's alright, Penny. It's better than being you."

„You should take care of what you're saying!"

I turned around, laughed ironically, „Yeah, why? Come on, beat me up, use a knife, I don't care anymore."

„What the hell was that?", Malachai hissed at me when he left the shower, stood in the living room where I sat.

„What? You deserve an arrow landing between your eyes", I shrugged my shoulder not caring about anything at the moment.

„Don't talk to me like that, damn!", he yelled at me and beat his fist against the wall aggressively.

„You've treated me like a captive! You've let that Ghoulie take me away so Penny could do that to me. If I had really meant something to you, you wouldn't have let her almost kill me. But of course, it was good for your ego. Don't expect me to be nice to you."


„Just leave me alone. Bring me food, water and something against the boredom. Plus, it would be nice if I don't see your visage while being here."

„I'm sorry", he suddenly let out.

„Sure, boys are always so sorry about everything, of course."

„I've heard what happened."

„Good then you know that I'm already pissed and ready to ram a knife into your chest", I stood up taking his cigarettes and left to take a walk.

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