you lose some, you win some

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„Fuck", I heard Sweet Pea swear quietly behind me but he didn't loosen his grip.

My eyes got big when I realized what she just said. Toni grinned and my dad looked between the three of us not probably knowing who he wants to shout at first.

„Is that true?", he decided to talk to me first but in a deep and angry voice, „I asked you something."


„Shut up, Sweet Pea, I'm talking to my daughter!"

„Don't shout at him like that!", I yelled back, „He did nothing wrong so calm down."

„I assume that this is why you wanted me to be here?", he looked at Toni who nodded, „Then give us a moment alone."

„Dad, I get that-"

„No, Elizabeth, you don't understand anything if you get yourself engaged by the age of seventeen. What are you thinking? Were you even thinking at all? And Sweet Pea out of all people", he laughed upset.

„What's your fucking problem with him, with us, huh?", I hissed angrily.

„Don't take that tone with me, Elizabeth. You want to know what's my problem apart from the fact that you're too young? Do you really think that this relationship of yours is going to last? You're naive to think that you two belong together."

That actually hurt. And I honestly had no idea what I should say to him. I knew he wouldn't accept it but I didn't think that that was one of his reasons. He was just waiting for us to break up.

„It doesn't matter, dad, I love Sweet Pea and Sweet Pea loves me. I'm eighteen soon, I can do whatever I want then."

„Good. If you think this is the right decision, you're going to live in your fiancee's trailer from now on. You can come back home when you've realized that this idea was stupid", he said harshly before he left the hallways fast.

Pea hadn't loosen his grip all the time. Instead, he pulled me closer into his arms as soon as my dad announced that he basically throws me out until Sweet Pea and I separate.

„Don't worry, baby. You're always more than welcome in my trailer. Although I'm sure that he's going to calm down soon", he whispered against my hairs and kissed my forehead.

„Where the hell are the others?", Jug asked when him and Betty entered the room for the Serpents while we were discussing the problem that Toni and Cheryl had their own gang now and the female Serpents left.

„We lost eight other Serpents", Sweet Pea told him.

He held my hand in his. Showing everyone what's going on wasn't what we would usually do. But since everyone knew about the news and we were really happy, we didn't care about other people and showed our love for each other everywhere.

„All of them are girls", Fangs added, „The only Serpent girls are Ellie, Betty and Bonnie now."

„Do they have other plans?", Betty asked confused.

„Well, after their betrayal against Sweet Pea and I", I started with in an annoyed tone, „Toni and Cheryl founded their own gang. All of the girls went to them."

„The Pretty Poisons. So what do we do, boss?"

„Nothing, we've thrown Cheryl and Toni out unfortunately. I'll talk to Toni and bring her back to the Serpents. The others will follow her then. They have to realize what it means to be a Serpent. Ellie, are you coming with me? After yesterday, she might feel guilty towards you. That could help and we're going to bring her back", Jug decided and I nodded.

I actually tried to avoid her as much as I could and since she was also still angry with me, I had no problem with not seeing her. But just like I felt guilty for throwing her out of the gang, I hoped that she regretted what she did to us yesterday. I mean, of course my dad had to find out sooner or later. But in that way? I had to and I wanted to tell him and my mom and now he probably told mom and Alice, too, before I would even get the chance to tell him myself.

„What are you thinking about now, hm?", Pea asked me softly, wrapped his arms around my shoulders and kissed my forehead protectively as if he knew what I was thinking about.

„Do you think that Toni is going to apologize? I just got to know my own sister and we're already ignoring each other. And now that dad isn't talking to me.. I don't even know what my mom thinks. Since dad basically threw me out, I can't even go home to mom", I sighed.

„It's going to be better soon. Toni really disappointed me, too, and we have been friends for more than ten years. But she probably knows that taking revenge on us like that was wrong. And I promise you that your dad won't be upset with us forever. You could meet your mom at the Cooper's house", he suggested.

Why did I even think that my dad threw me out? He basically told me to stay away as long as I want Sweet Pea and I to be engaged and I tried talking to him yesterday afternoon but he sent me away from our own damn house where all of my belongings are.

„Hey, are you going to tell your mom?", Fangs asked Sweet Pea, we were still standing in that room when the others left.

„I don't know. I don't really feel like telling her would be a good idea."

„She's still your mom, Pea. We could just inform her", I gave him a soft smile so he nodded.

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