trust me he said

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„Fred", I was surprised to see Archie's dad standing in front of Sweet Pea's trailer, „What are you doing here? Not that I would complain but it's late."

„I visited your dad and mom before to take a look at the new house and thought I would stop by."

„Sorry, it's been an interesting day. Come in."

„Hello, Sweet Pea", he said when I closed the door which Sweet Pea replied with a nod, „I don't mean to stay, I just wanted to see how you're doing. Dana told me what has happened between you. I.. I'm no expert in relationships, kids, we all know that. I would still be married if I was. And I won't tell you that it's a stupid idea to get married. I asked Mary when we were.. I think we were twenty years old. She's helped me with my father's death and Andrews' construction, we went through a lot together. I'm here to tell you that your dad thinks the same. He really does, Elizabeth. You know your dad just like I do. He can get angry easily just when someone is talking about you or your mother. And he picks up a fight when people don't shut up. He always wanted the best for you but sometimes we don't understand that. During summer.. when he sent you back to New York so you can get the best medical help as possible, he only had good intentions. He didn't mean to throw you out. But he got into a lot of trouble as a young Serpent so he's protective when it comes to his daughters and sometimes a dad might not show his intention to his children. Talk to him, Elizabeth."

„Wow.. thank you, Fred", I was touched by his words, „I promise you that I'll talk to him."

„Good and don't say that I've told you but when FP, Harvey and I had a band when we were younger.. he even wrote a song for his family. But don't make him feel like he's emotional. You know that he likes to look like a tough man", Fred joked when he hugged me before he left.

Most of us were sitting in the school's hall to discuss the next musical Heathers. I wasn't a big fan of musicals and after the last one and since the farm arrived to kind of make it their own musical, I decided to stay away from it. But Sweet Pea liked the school more and enjoyed being around our friends so he wanted to be a part of it playing alongside Josie. So I sat here, too, watching the farm and but also to show some support to my boyfriend. Kevin announced that Evelyn would be his co-regisseur which no one was happy about except for her.

„I'm playing Veronica Sawyer", Josie spoke when Kevin asked everyone to tell Evelyn their function, „An outsider who becomes a Heather and then an outsider again."

„Hi, I'm Sweet Pea and I'm playing JD, Veronica Sawyer's bad boy hot crush."

While Reggie was talking I looked up to Sweet Pea furling my eyebrows, „You're playing with Josie?"

„Yeah", he shrugged his shoulders.

„Did you know that when you applied for the role?"

„No, how would I? What's so bad about it?"

„She.. I don't trust her. And when she came to your trailer few days ago, it was quite obvious that she would do whatever she wants even if it comes between us", I spoke annoyed.

„I'm sitting in front of you, I can hear you", Josie turned around to look at me angrily.

„Yeah, so what? Do I look like I care about that?", I hissed back and rolled my eyes so she just turned back around and stayed quiet.

I calmed down when Sweet Pea took my hand in his and gave me a soft kiss on my forehead.

„You don't have to worry about it, babe, I'm yours. It's enough when you trust me."

„I do trust you, Sweet Pea", I nodded.

On the next day, we met again in the hall and since I was early, I was the first to enter the hall. Neither the others were there already nor the hall was empty. But what I saw there made me speechless for a moment. Toni, Peaches and especially Sweet Pea stood there in underwear while Toni was saying something about how she shouldn't have seduced them. Did they..?

When she walked off the stage, she walked by me and gave me a shocked look as she realized that it was me interrupting their session or whatever they have had in mind. I took a few steps closer while Sweet Pea and Peaches got dressed.

„Ellie", Sweet Pea let out surprised when he turned around, „What are you doing here?"

„The better question is what you are doing here with Toni and Peaches", I looked at him with watery eyes already, my heart beat faster and faster.

„Els, we didn't..-"

„You didn't do what?!"

„I didn't cheat on you, I promise."

„But you were ready to, weren't you? You would have done that if Toni hadn't stopped you?"


„I've got the message", I muttered nodding slowly but I didn't leave the hall since I said I would be there for the rehearsals and I don't break my word.

Betty, Ronnie, Jug, Archie and Fangs were here, too, so I would still support them. When they arrived, I sat between Jug and Betty.

„So, last night was a lot of fun", Evelyn started, "But it's time to make a deeper step. Everyone tells the others something that they've never talked about before. Anything that we could help with?"

Oh yeah, last night's party.. Sweet Pea and I went there together and I saw Josie and Archie making out which was weird in the beginning but on the other hand that means that she would leave Sweet Pea and I alone and Archie wasn't lonely so I was relieved to see them together.

„Who wants to go next?", Evelyn looked around after Kevin and Fangs had opened up.

„I've got something", Sweet Pea spoke.

This made me feel like my heart stopped for a second. What would he say?

„I know it's only been a summer affair and she didn't want a relationship but I did. That's why it's been really hard to see how Archie and Josie made out."

„Wait-", Evelyn started looking between the four of us but I interrupted her harshly.

„So all this time you wanted to be with Josie while you were only playing around with me?"

Everyone in the hall was quiet, Jug laid his hand on my knee to try to comfort me but I stood up angrily, took off my ring and threw it back at Sweet Pea before I ran out not knowing what they would talk about.


Trust me he said.

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