butterknife bitch

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„Hiram Lodge, huh? The good looking small boy has always meant trouble", Gladys shook her head after we've told her the whole story, „But what's his problem with Archie?"
„Archie has been the only one who didn't follow his rules and not to forget, he's been dating his daughter", Jug explained.
Gladys laughed, I guessed that she probably knew that too well but she looked between Archie and I, „I thought you two were a couple."
„Us?", I looked up surprised and noticed that we sat too close to each other indeed, „No, no, we're not."
„Yeah, Ellie's got a boyfriend. Sweet Pea, he's a Serpent", Jug added for which I gave him an angry look.
„No need to mention that", I whispered to Jug so only he could hear me, he sat next to me on the other side.
„What? Are you ashamed of what you're doing with Archie? Sweet Pea fucked up, I was the first person to defend you but you're doing just the same now. Don't think I don't know what you two have done back there", he replied in the same quiet voice as I did.
„Jug, I-"
„You were dating her? Then you're single now, yes?", JellyBean seemed lucky to hear that about Archie.
„Slow down, JellyBean", Jug warned her.
„JB for you, kid", she replied sassily.
„Archie, have you talked to your dad about all of this?", Gladys became serious.
„That would be great. I wish I could see him again, tell him how I am doing. But it would be too risky, he would force me to go back. I can't be in Riverdale right now."

„Why am I not surprised that you're dating a Serpent?", Gladys asked herself loudly while looking at me.
„What do you mean?", I wondered.
I mean I know about my family and the Serpents but that doesn't mean that I would fall for a Serpent easily, does it? Well, Archie got his tattoo and now we're... No, that's crazy, my thoughts are crazy.
„Your dad didn't want to be a Serpent, you know", she told me when we were alone with JellyBean, „He wanted to leave the gang as soon as he went to college but FP asked him to stay. And of course, your dad and Fred knew that he would throw away his life if he stayed alone so they helped him. But your dad didn't want to be a Serpent anymore originally."
„I didn't know that."
„Anyways, what is your boyfriend like?", JellyBean changed the topic fast and curiously, „Is he like a real Serpent with a leather jacket and a knife? Does he look good?"
„Slow down, JB", I chuckled and had to think for a moment because Sweet Pea and I have a complicated story and I haven't seen him for so long, „Yes, you could say that. He's quite tall and muscular and yes, he's got a switchblade and he uses that from time to time. And he's got the good jacket."
„Wow, that's so cool", she grinned happily, „I haven't seen you for so long. I remember Archie and you hanging around before mom and I left Riverdale. But now that he's single, he's mine, okay?"
„Of course", I smiled knowing that she had just a crush on him although she knew that her dreams couldn't come true.

"Hey, can we sit down together somewhere else?", I asked Archie quietly after dinner.
"Yeah, sure, I thought you would want to avoid me after our.. our moment", Archie gave me a warm smile and stood up with me.
When we were away from the other, he laid my hand in his and we walked like that.
"I know that I can be a real bitch but what happened earlier was also my fault so I can't blame you for that."
I thought Archie would say something about it but we were separated by a person pulling Archie away from me and into their arms.
"Surprised to see me, boy?", none other than Penny Peabody held a knife against Archie's throat, „There's a bounty on your head and you leave more bread crumbs than a child in a fairy tale."
"Penny, let go of him, please", I begged, "Please, whatever we did to you, you shouln't do that. Let go of him. Archie didn't do anything to you, it's been me."
"Oh, Specter, you look actually really emotional, how can that be when you play around with two boys?"
"Please, Penny, whatever you want, we'll give it to you."
"Nope. Just be quiet and he's got the chance to be laid down in an open coffin."
"Not if you're in one first", JB yelled confidently, "Drop the butter knife, bitch!"
"Careful, small one, or you might hit the wrong person", Penny laughed not realizing that JB could be an actual threat to her but JB was right, she hit her.
Gladys must have heard us because her, Jug and some other boys ran to us to see if we were alright which we were thanks to JellyBean. Gladys and the boys took Penny's body and chained her up while Jug and I looked after Archie.
„I'm not surprised that someone like you works for Lodge, it really doesn't", Gladys confronted Penny while we stayed in the back, „Penny, loyalty has never been your strength."
„And that out of the mouth of the damn Gladys Jones", she chuckled ironically.
„Whatever.. I'm surprised that you don't want to talk about him. He must have know something about you, too."
„I'm not a traitor but I tell you one thing: Hiram will never stop as long as he doesn't get what he wants and now he wants the redhead. And there's nothing that you or your little crew or the all so mighty leader Jughead and Elizabeth could do about it", Penny went on, „Hiram isn't going to stop."
„Since we're talking about my son and Dana's daughter. You've mistreated them like a Sunday roast", Gladys looked as if she got ready for a fight.
„That's been a thing between them and I. Although Diego and Ace were helpful, too."
„Well, I'm his mom so it's a thing between you and I now", Gladys threatened the blonde devil holding a knife in her hand, „Good, kids, go in. Penny and I want to talk."
„Ask her about G and G and how Hiram's involved."
„Alright, boy."

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