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„Hey", Jug and I walked to Archie who was helping the girls by working for them he next morning.

„Looking good there", I chuckled watching him doing the work without a shirt.

„You missed the eggs with bacon", he replied.

„I can't believe it. You really load hay rolls, Archie."

„Yeah, you can gladly help."

„Actually, the Jug wanted to take some pictures in the city before we move on. Did you forget it? That's been our plan", I looked up to our shirtless Archie, „Can you manage that here? I thought I could help you. "

„Of course, I can manage that but I would be glad about some help."

„Where did you two go yesterday in the night?", Jug asked me before he left the farm to go to the city.


„I'm not stupid. Plus, your voice was a little too low to not sound jealous earlier."

I looked at him with the „are you serious" look but he still smiled knowingly.

„I don't want to talk about it", I tried to change the topic because I was really afraid of his opinion since I appreciated his opinion the most.

„I'm not going to judge you", he assured me.

„You're here to find information about this city so do that now", I finally changed the topic.

„You look like you could need a shaving", I walked back to Archie after I had asked the older of the two girls for a razor.

„Is this a four-star vacation? I'm even getting a shaving?", he joked with a smile which was rare these days.

„Come on and keep still", I smiled back when he sat down on a chair in the barn.

„Don't laugh about me but I've got the feeling as if I'm at home. I don't know why", Archie looked up to me with hope in his eyes.

I stood in front of him, his hands wandered to my legs and he sat me down on his lap. The idea to just stay wherever we wanted far away from Riverdale seemed to be too good to be real. But watching Archie after all that he's been through with hope in his eyes gave me hope. The hope and the love that we've put into the next kiss.

When Lori came to make Archie breakfast, I left the barn. I was too suspicious about her to stay in the same room. Archie, however, liked the way she treated him. I only hoped that he wouldn't start to trust her. He's too good and too naive to be fooled by a stranger.

„Jug, what's going on?", I wondered when he stormed back to the farm fast.

„Els, good, you're here. Where's Archie? This town is full of people who play G and G. It's got something to do with Hiram and we need to run away as fast as we can."

He hided behind the hay so I got closer to him and did the same, we were watching the black car that just arrived at the farm.. With Hiram Lodge getting out of the car.

We ran as fast as we could to enter the barn from the other side and remove the fixing that made Archie stay in the barn.

„Come, we have to leave."

„Lori has beaten me down. Where is she?"

„She walked into the house with Hiram Lodge. I told you not to trust her", I told Archie angrily while Jug and I were liberating him.

„What? I don't understand that. How do they know him?"

„Their dad and brother probably work for him. They produce drugs in jail. The kids consume those drugs and play G and G. That's all working together. Hiram owns the whole city and for sure many more than this", Jug explained fast.

„Come on, let's go", I hurried looking at Archie who stood dangerously still.

„Or we stay and fight."

„No, Archie", Jug declined without thinking about it.

„This is our chance to have a new start. Hiram is going to come here and think that I'm captivated. We'll surprise him and we'll fight against him."

„That's a stupid idea, believe me."

„There's got to be something, a pitchfork or anything else", he started to look around seriously.

Oh, Archie...

„Archie, look at us", I sounded really scared now, „You're not clearheaded right now. It's four against two and they've got guns. Jug and I understand you, we really wish we could fight against him but we've got no chance. They're going to kill us."

„Archie, think about it!", Jug agreed with me anxiously when Archie took something to use it as a weapon.

„Stop it, please, Archie!", I yelled as quiet as I could so they wouldn't hear us, „It's a stupid idea and you know it."

Jug had tried to stop Archie physically but he was pushed away by him.

„Leave me! I can kill him. I can do it."

„We know that but we have to get away as long as we can."

„He's going to follow me wherever I go. I can't escape him. Just let me end this nightmare once and for all."

„Archie, Jug and I were almost killed by Ghoulies which own our Serpent territory now. We won't be able to escape them, too. But we can try to move on. I know that Hiram has done horrible things to you and I won't justify that. But you're not like him! You're still Archie Andrews, my best friend.  And the best friend that I've got to know as a child would have never thought about revenge or killing someone. No matter what he's done to you", I whispered shocked about his motivation to kill an human being.

He looked at me more emotional now but according to Jug we had no time, „He's coming. We know he's ruined your life and the lives of many more. Someday he's going to get back everything that he deserves, we promise you. But not today, not now, okay? We've got to get away from here."

„No, Jughead."

„Alright but if you do that, if you kill him, will Veronica ever forgive you?", Jug argued.

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