back to reality

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I've been released out of hospital after three days. The doctors said that I just needed to get some rest which was almost impossible in a town like Riverdale. But Harry, Mike and Bonnie tried everything to help me at home. They became Serpents as soon as I could be there to give them there jackets and they were now going to Riverdale High with me and my friends.

„Bonnie, Ellie, the iconic duo", Veronica walked over to us in school, „I might need your help."

„You might?"

„What happened, Ronnie?", I wondered, „Didn't you want to open your bar tonight?"

„That's why I'm here. First of all, I wanted to ask you two to be my singers", she smiled.

Bonnie and I shared a look, „Isn't that Josie's part?"

„Actually, I would have asked her. But after what happened between Sweet Pea and her, I don't think that it would be okay to do so. I'd like to have some girl power on stage."

„Well, we could need that", Bonnie shrugged her shoulders so I agreed with her.

We've been inseparable these past weeks. After Toni is hanging around with Cheryl all the time, she became something like my new sister. Betty, her and the boys were now my closest friends.

„And what's the second reason why you're here?", I arched my eyebrow suspiciously.

„Penny Peabody."

„And she's working with your dad", I ended her thought.

„Correct. Now I need a form of pressure."

„That's my part", Bonnie clapped her hands happily, „Taking revenge on the Ghoulies? I'm in. They produce their drugs in the White Wyrm which is owned by your dad."

„Are you going to help me?", Ronnie turned to Bonnie, she probably knew that I couldn't go to the Southside anymore, „Toni was working there and knows a way how to get in and out."

„Anything to take revenge on the bitch Penny."

„Els, Ellie, wait", Sweet Pea yelled over to me because the music's been quite loud in Veronica's bar.

„Sweet Pea", I scanned his body, he looked like he was working for Veronica tonight.

„So, you and Bonnie are going to sing, yeah?"

„She would have asked Josie but well.."

„I'm still sorry about what has happened", he said laying his hand on my side.

„I know, you've said that quite often", I nodded still not knowing how to react, „I-"

„Is there any chance that you would take me back? I'd do anything."

„I.. I don't know, Sweet Pea", I stuttered surprised, „I haven't thought about it, to be honest."

„So I still got a chance?"

„Let's talk about it tomorrow, alright?"

„What's going on between you two?", Bonnie stumbled between us, „Damn, baby, no boy in this world, not even a tall, muscular one, is worth being loved by you if he breaks your heart."

She's had some alcohol already. Oh, Bons.

„It's alright, girl", I giggled, „We're just talking."

„Uh no, he's got his hands on you. Man, man, man. I'm not letting him break your heart again."

„Bonnie, I really regret-", Sweet Pea started but she just gave him her drink and showed him to be quiet by placing a finger on his lips, „We have to sing now. Watch her and see what you lost, boy."

„Hey, Ellie", Sweet Pea stopped me again three hours later when almost everyone had left the party.

„Hey, Pea. Sorry about Bonnie by the way. She's been a bit drunk", I laughed lightly, „But she didn't mean what she said."

„Nah, it's alright, she's right anyways. Has she left already?"

„Yeah, she was finally drunk enough to tell Mikey that she liked him and I guess they left together."

„I could drive you home. I didn't have a drink and my bike is over there", he suggested shyly.

I felt like almost a year ago when we were about to become a couple and he would drive me home in the night.

„That would be great actually", I nodded, „Thanks."

„You were great on stage by the way", he added and gave me his jacket knowing that I still forgot to take one with me.

„Thanks, Pea", I smiled, „Like in old times, huh?"

„I mean it would be great if it was."

„Let's take it slow. I'm just not complaining right now."

On the next day when the game instruction for Griffin and Gargoyles was published, Jug and Betty finally had told me everything they knew. It felt completely weird as if we were in some kind of fantasy movie. But we had to do something about. I just had no idea what. The kids seemed to be addicted to this game. I was just lucky that my friends and I didn't fall for that creepy game.

I had also visited Archie in the past week and talked to him for about twenty minutes. That was as long as he was allowed to talk to someone. He looked bad, we were talking about his situation and I promised him to help as much as I can. For me, that meant that I would find a way so Ronnie and I could help him to break out. Wasn't quite legal but he hasn't done anything to be in there. It would take us some time to get him out with a good plan but we would make it.

I was actually looking for Sweet Pea but ended up in the Jones' trailer talking to Jug about everything. We hadn't been together a lot the past month. With that strange game in town, our new recruits and the farm, there wasn't a lot time to think of having fun with friends.

„Jones", Toni and Cheryl suddenly stormed in, „We've got a problem."

„Your boys were in the armory."

I had no idea what that meant, I haven't been around them in a long time but it seemed serious. At least Jughead looked quite annoyed.

„What's going on here, boys?", we followed him outside where Sweet Pea and Fangs laughed.

„Toni and I have had a.. date-"

„When this arrow flew through the tent", Toni became louder, „It could have hit my eye!"

„We just wanted to train our shooting skills for the next task", Fangs said carelessly.

„G and G is made for the real world, not for a board", Sweet Pea added.

„Please don't tell me you've played this fucking game", I hissed annoyed looking at each of the boys, „Jug, you know how dangerous that is!"

„Are you worried about me, baby?", Sweet Pea grinned stupidly.

„Seriously?", I rolled my eyes annoyed. As if that's the only thing I think about every day.

„Cheryl, take your bow", Jug told her and walked to the tree putting a can on his head.

„Jug, don't do that, it's stupid!"

„Come on, do it, Cheryl!"


„Sweet Pea, if you want to prove something, stand in front of the tree, come on."

Was Jug crazy now?

„What? No, you're crazy, man."

„No, it's my game and my rules."

„Wow, he really made you look like an idiot", I chuckled when Sweet Pea and I stood there alone.

That happens when you visit your friends in Riverdale.

„Hey, it's not my fault that he's sick."

„I didn't think you would play that game", I kind of sounded disappointed because I might be really worried.

„So you really care about me, huh?", he grinned walking over.

„Let's go to your trailer and talk."

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