give your heart a break

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„Ellie, why aren't you with the others?", I heard Bonnie behind me when my head was in my locker, I was still trying to tell myself that nothing has happened so I wouldn't cry in school but crying into my locker was an alternative that worked well, „Hey, talk to me."

So I turned around with a sigh. She would find out about it sooner or later.

„Oh baby, what happened? Who made you cry?", she immediately wiped away the tears on my cheeks and pulled me into her arms.

„Sweet Pea", I sobbed, „I saw him with Toni and Peaches in the hall, they would have almost had a threesome together if Toni hadn't stopped and if I hadn't interrupted them. And he told everyone that he wanted a relationship with Josie and hated to see her with Archie. While I was there, Bonnie. He didn't even think about us, he didn't care about it. I gave him his ring back."

„Come here, Ellie, he doesn't deserve you."

„Can you two like stay away from each other for only a second?", Mikey and Harry walked to us laughing.

„Shut up, idiot, it's serious", Bonnie gave him an angry glare.

„What happened?", Harry asked worried now so Bonnie only whispered Sweet Pea's name so I wouldn't have to tell the story again. Without a word, the two boys joined our hug and comforted me as well.

„Dad? You were right, I was stupid and naive", I admitted to him since he only wanted me at home when Sweet Pea and I separated and Bonnie and the boys had brought me home to my parents.

„I never said that, Elizabeth, and if I did, it was wrong. I was only right about my suspicion that he would hurt you, it's not your fault", my dad came closer to pull me into his arms, „I'm glad you're at home now."

Jug, Betty, Veronica and Archie came to talk to me in the afternoon while Mikey and Harry picked up my stuff that was still in Sweet Pea's trailer so I had everything at home and wouldn't have to see Sweet Pea besides school. I've laid at home in the first week. It wasn't as easy to be honest. I've had the dream to stay with Sweet Pea and go to college with him and I've thought that he would want the same but he didn't. That made my dream break into million pieces. But Archie had offered me to work out in his new gym which I did in the second week after the musical. And it was good, I've put all my anger into boxing.

„Wow, I don't want to walk by when you get angry", someone entered the gym and laid his bag down.

„Well, you don't want to get your heart broken, too", I replied not stopping with what I'm doing.

„Archie said you've been here all day, don't you need a break?"

„I don't need breaks."

„Then, will you take one and talk to me?", he didn't stop asking.

„I don't even know who you are", I replied easily.

„I'm Maddog."

I stopped now and raised an eyebrow when I looked at him, „So you are the famous Maddog? Archie said you're pretty good plus you've helped to safe his life."

„That must be me then", he gave me a smile.

„Why don't you come here and work out with me and then we can talk?", I offered him so he put on other shoes and came up to me so we could box together.


„What?", I turned around, my voice sounded angrily, ready to pick up a fight.

„Woah, sorry", Toni and Cheryl looked at me confused.

„Oh, sorry, I thought it would be Sweet Pea or Fangs again. What do you two want?", I asked unknowingly.

„We came here to apologize to you. We shouldn't have reacted like that when you and Jughead threw us out and we definitely shouldn't have plaid that game with you and tell dad that you were engaged", Cheryl started.

„It doesn't matter anymore", I shrugged my shoulder without emotions in my voice, „It's over anyways."

„But I feel like I'm one of the reasons why it's over. I shouldn't have seduced him and Peaches and I'm sorry for that, too", Toni added seriously, I could see it in her eyes that she regretted what she did to us, „Cheryl forgave me. Maybe you can forgive Sweet Pea, too. I promise that nothing has happened between us."

„Sweet Pea and I are over. It's only the fact that he would have loved to have sex with you while we were dating but he was playing games with me the whole time when he actually liked Josie. My decision's got nothing to do with you. But I appreciate the apology, thanks for that."

„Hey, stranger", I welcomed him when I was the one to enter the gym after him while he was already working out.

When we've met, we've decided to work out together. Both of us were quite good so it made fun together.

„Hey, angry girl", he replied as easily as I did which made me chuckled, „I guess I've got a good motivation for you today."

„Share me your thoughts", I walked up to him to get ready.

„You remember the mission that I've went on with Archie and your friend Jughead? The one where you were so scared that I would get hurt?"

„Don't talk bullshit", I laughed.

„Sweet Pea asked if you would give him a second chance."

„More like a fourth one", I muttered sarcastically.

„Really? You gave him so many chances?"

„What can I say? I was stupid", I shrugged my shoulders, „Tell him that the answer is no."

„I've already done that", he gave me a smile, „You can let out all your anger now."

It was weird how he already knew me so well after just one week of hanging around with each other. I was about to start our fight when my mind suddenly changed. I threw my boxing gloves to the bottom and took the past steps to him fast so there was no distance between us anymore and I could kiss him passionately which he replied just with the same emotions until he laid us down.

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