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Jug, FP, Fred, my dad and I had to stay in Greendale for the first days since Hiram Lodge officially owned the fucking town now. No one was allowed to get in, no one could go out. I had almost given up the hope that we would stop Hiram just because of that. If he was able to shut us out from our own town, how could we fight against him?

But my dad wouldn't stop worrying. Not because of Lodge or the Serpents or the Ghoulies but he told me that he had bought a house for all of us - meaning mom, dad and I plus our new Serpents Bonnie, Harry and Mikey. And now mom was alone in that house. And Diego could do anything to her. I've asked my friends to keep an eye on her but they wouldn't always be together so there was still a high risk. But I had another plan.


Are you in Riverdale?


I didn't think I would here from you

But I won't complain about it

I'm in Riverdale, yes

Heard you're stuck in Greendale?

Yes, we're in fucking Greendale

What do you want?

Okay I'll make it short

Can you get us in? Or at least my dad please?

It's about my mom.. She's alone

And after the night of the fight you probably know

What Diego is capable of

I assume there's nothing that you would offer?

I don't have anything that I could offer

I mean besides a Serpent jacket

Ugh no

I'll help you but this is the last time

Meet me at the border during midnight

Thank you, Mal

"Elizabeth, where do you bring us? It's midnight and I don't know anyone who's in Hiram's team and would help us", my dad asked confused when we were as close to Riverdale as possible.

"He's got a point", Jug agreed confused.

"Well, I'm not helping you, Harvey, I'm helping your daughter", Malachai stood out from the dark so my dad immediately pulled me behind him.

"You", he spit angrily, "You're not coming closer to my daughter."

"Why would you ask him?!", Jug whisper-yelled at me.

"Oh man.. You wanted to cross the border and that's the only way we can. Dad, Malachai didn't hurt me. Can we just skip this Serpent against Ghoulies behavior and go on? We don't have that much time", I rolled my eyes although they wouldn't see it anyways.

„Wise words, Elizabeth", Malachai smiled at me as if he had won against my dad so I shook my head about their struggle for power.

„Who is there?", dad and I heard mom yell from the upper floor when we entered the new house.

My dad's romantic side went so far that he wanted to surprise her with the good news so we didn't answer. But when he had his foot on the first stair, he fell back - which caused him to step on my tiny foot - and groaned. Someone turned on the light so I saw my mom with her hand on the switch and Mikey whose fist was red from blood. I furrowed my brows but seeing my dad on the ground while he held his hand to his nose made me realize what happened.

„Fuck, Harvey, I'm so sorry", Mikey stuttered and gave him his hand to stand up while my mom ran downstairs.

„What the hell is going on here? Dana, are you alright?", I heard Bonnie's and Harry's voices coming closer and got excited to see them again.

„Elizabeth, you're back", my mom's lips formed to a smile and we hugged each other tightly, „I'm so glad you're here, mija. I've been so worried."

„I know, mom, I'm sorry for just running away. I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm just so glad that nothing happened to you", I whispered back.

„Thanks to your friends. Mikey seems to have a good right hook", she chuckled relieved and went to my dad to probably tell him how happy she is to see him, too.

„I'm really sorry, Harvey", Mikey sounded rueful when he scratched his neck.

„I mean, no one has ever hit me besides Diego when we got into a fight decades ago but it's good to see that you're able to defend my family", he just smiled.

„Luckily", Bonnie exhaled then turned to me, „I'm so so glad that you're back finally! I've missed you so much, don't ever leave us again without saying a word!"

„I've missed you, too, Bon, as well as you boys", I pulled them all into a group hug.

„Tell me about what happened, Els, you don't look so happy", Bonnie asked me in the next morning when we woke up, we shared a room now.

It's quite funny actually, my dad bought this house so we wouldn't be too many people in the Cooper's house but we share a room again. It's not like we ever had to, we could use another bedroom, too, but I was used to sleeping in a room with Betty so Bonnie and I liked it like that.

„I'm afraid you might hate me but you became my best friend so I hope you might not be too angry", I bit my lip nervously, „When we were away, Archie and I came closer to each other. And I'm thinking of a way how to tell Sweet Pea now.."

„Oh, that's bad.. I mean I don't judge you. Sweet Pea cheated on you first but I'm not going to lie and say it'll be easy to tell him. But do you even want to tell him?"

„I have to", I sighed.

„I can't change his reaction but I'll cheer you up as soon as you have talked to him, I promise."

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