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It's been a week since I stayed with Malachai and got to know my new friends. They really made me happier. We've had a lot of fun together and I could forget Sweet Pea for a moment. Malachai had asked me if he should drive me to school surprisingly. I didn't really understand what was going on with him but I didn't mind going to school. But Harry would drive me because Malachai had no time and was still too skeptical to leave me alone.

„Thank for driving me, Harry", I gave him a hug because we got pretty close over the past time, „I'll see you later?"

„Of course. Hey, take care, there's a tall Serpent right behind you."

„What-", I wanted to asked but stopped myself when he drove away and turned around to face Sweet Pea.

„Can we talk?"

„I'm actually here to see Jug and Betty but we can talk during the first break", I nodded giving in.

„What's going on between my favorite couple?", I entered the room for the school's newspaper editors, Jug and Betty.

„Ellie, how did you come here?", they looked surprised to see me and hugged me immediately.

„We made a deal that I could go to school. It's too boring there."

„What about your Ghoulie friends?", Jug raised an eyebrow skeptically.

„They're alright, Juggy, don't worry. Not every Ghoulie has fought against us, at least they haven't. But what's going on here? Seems like you're busy with new investigations?"

„Yeah, Riverdale has got some new problems. Jug found Dilton Doiley in the forrest with blue lips, he's dead. And Ben is in the hospital."

My jaw dropped, „What? How the hell could that happen? Did they.. I mean, was it suicide?"

„We don't think so but we don't know yet."

„I'm going to help you to find that out as soon as I'm done with the Ghoulies, I promise. That's horrible."

„So, what did you want to say?", I asked Sweet Pea when we met in the hallway.

„Summer break's been no fun to me", he weirdly started which made me let out a laugh.

„Well, I had fun in the hospital", I rolled my eyes sarcastically.

„Sorry, I'm just trying to say that it's not as easy as it looks to me. I was afraid of losing you. I wanted to visit you earlier but Harvey said I should give you some time. And then there was Josie and we talked and it kind of happened. I couldn't just call or visit you as if nothing has happened."

„Well, that doesn't make the situation any better. I would have needed you. Toni was away with Cheryl, Betty and Archie were busy with his case. Jug and Fangs were trying to find out more about what the Ghoulies would plan. And all that you did was betray me with someone who I've called my friend. I won't say that this is alright", I spoke calmly.

„I know that I've fucked up. I wish I could change it", he nodded.

„Hey, you guys are talking to each other", Fangs joined us with a smile on his lips, „How is life with the Ghoulies? When are we going to make up a plan to get you out of there?"

„Do we have another offer to make? We need to have a plan of what we would give them in return first. Then I can leave."

„We'll find something. So what's going on between you two?"

„I need time", I answered Fangs' question looking at Sweet Pea.

„Specter", Harry greeted me after school with a cigarette in his mouth.

What a cool boy, I chuckled mentally.

„Your boy seems to be jealous."

„He's not my boy", I laughed lightly, „Well, not anymore."

„Have you talked to him?"

„Yeah, but I would rather tell your sister about it", I blinked at him playfully and took one of the helmets.

„Of course, Bonnie wins."

„Tell me everything!"

„Wow, those are your first words? Not even a hello?", I replied with a grin and hugged her tightly.

„I need to know if Swiz is going to be back together."

„Wow, if you're calling us like that I won't think about it", I laughed loudly, Bonnie joined in.

„Now tell me what happened. You seem happier."

„He didn't say a lot just that they were talking and it kind of happened and that he's sorry. That's not really a good explanation", I sighed thoughtfully.

„So you're not back together, huh?"

„Why are you so excited about it. You don't even know him", Mikey joined us.

„Then let's get to know him. Your fancy friend invited me to a party. She was kind of flirting with me I guess. But we're all invited, even Mikey", Harry told us.

„Excuse me?"

„Oh, Mikey", I smiled, he was too cute, „Which fancy friend?"

„The one with the dark hairs and one with red hairs was next to her. They've spoken to me at Pops."

„Ah, now I know. The dark haired one is Veronica and Cheryl is my sister's girlfriend. But there's a party? Archie's in juvie. But even if we would go there, Malachai wouldn't let me."

„Tell him we're taking care of you. We're Ghoulies, he'll trust us."

„Well, I could give it a try", I replied with a smirk.

„Liz, Ghoulies", Cheryl welcomed us with her typical wide smile where I didn't know if she was glad to see me or annoyed again.

Malachai thought I would be going out with my three Ghoulie friends, not that I would come here.

„Cheryl", I replied at the same pitch as her, „Those are Bonnie, Harry and Mikey. Guys, this is Cheryl aka my sister's girlfriend."

„It's nice to meet you", Mikey immediately started flirting with her.

„Come in. They're already waiting for you."

„Someone's waiting for you", Bonnie giggled.

I introduced them to Jug, Betty, Ronnie, Fangs, Toni and Kevin.

„So you're the good Ghoulies?", Jug arched an eyebrow skeptically.

„Ellie has told us how skeptical you are, Forsythe Pendleton Jones", Bonnie smiled at him.

„How does she know my name?", Jughead turned to me wondering.

„We went to Southside High. Well, until it was closed due to Hiram Lodge", Harry explained it to him, he wasn't a fan of our enemy.

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