Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I pushed open the door so fast it almost slammed back into the wall, luckily I still had enough sense to catch it before it made a huge bang.

I glanced around my room, a light that wasn't my torch illuminating the whole room.

It took me longer than I would have thought to realise it was coming from my bed, my laptop was open and playing a video of my parents that I'd uploaded from my phone a few years before.

I watched the screen for a few seconds, my dad trying to get my mom to help him lift my new bed up the stairs.

I'd started filming because my dad had been quoting Ross from F.R.I.E.N.D.S shouting 'Pivot' at her repeatedly.

She'd started laughing so much she'd had to put her half of the bed down.

I was no help, filming them while laughing, making the image shake as my phone shook in my hand.

"Lacey, pick your end up, come on. PIVOT." My mom who had almost recovered burst out laughing again, putting her hands over her face.

I got wrapped up in watching the video, until I felt someone behind me again.

I jumped and whirled round, lifting my phone up to cast light behind me.

There was nobody there again.

I looked back at the laptop before I slammed it shut, wondering how it had moved from my desk to my bed in the middle of the room, opened and started to play a video that had to be searched for in all my files.

I started to back out of my room, freaked out, heart beating double again, hands shaking, when the video picked right back up from where it had been on my phone screen, shutting the torch off with it.

I couldn't hold back my scream as I dropped my phone to the floor.

It crashed on the wood, stopping the video and leaving me in utter darkness.

I felt breath on the back of my neck and movement pass in front of me.

I covered my head and screamed, frozen with fear.

I saw Tom's feet before I heard him.

It was a few seconds before I removed my hands from my head, noticing the room around me had gotten lighter.

I didn't even pause before I flung myself into Tom's arms, crying as I did.

I could feel Sky's fur brushing up against my legs, helping me.

I couldn't hear anything for a few more seconds, just buzzing in my ears.

"Lily, hey, Lily what happened? What's going on?" Tom was saying in my ear, stroking my back.

I pulled away from him, wiping my eyes, automatically feeling safer with Sky and Tom in the room.

"I-I felt someone in here with me. I felt them breathing on me Tom!" I almost screamed, I couldn't help it, I was so panicked.

He looked at my face, he saw something that made him believe me, I don't know what my face looked like, it was numb.

He glanced around the room, taking everything in.

"Come on." He glared at my room, unhappy about anything that could upset me, even if he couldn't see it.

He pulled me out of the room wrapped in his arms.

He let me sit shaking and crying quietly for ten minutes in his arms before he said anything, "Lily you have to tell me what happened?" He begged, clearly worried.

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