Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Lil bit of smut in this chapter ;)


While I'd not actually wanted to celebrate my birthday, as always they'd made it special and fun as I suspected they would.
Jade had cooked a big breakfast, after we'd finally recovered we'd walked around the lake in the snow for hours, until I couldn't feel my fingers or toes. 

Sky kept spraying us with freezing water from the lake as she darted in and out, unfazed by the cold. 

I laughed as she tried to catch the falling snow, she was born in Alaska, spent all her life here with thousands of snowfalls, yet she still got confused and tried to catch falling snow. 

"Oh my god has my nose fallen off?" Jade asked through chattering teeth while she pulled her boots off as we crowded into the cabin. 

I laughed as I pulled my hat off, but also feeling like my own nose had disappeared. 

"You're both so dramatic." Andrew commented, walking into the living room and quickly lighting the fire, he pulled blankets from the cupboard in the hallways and dumped them on the couches. 

"We're small, leave us alone." Jade stuck her tongue out at Drew before darting to the closest couch and throwing herself under a blanket. 

I grabbed a towel from the same cupboard Drew had pulled the blankets from and went to the back door to let Sky in. 

She waited patiently while I dried her, almost looking bored. 

"You did this to yourself, you could have just not gone in the lake." I grumbled to her as she sighed. 

When she was as dry as she was going to get I kissed her nose and pointed to the living room, she wouldn't need to be told twice to curl up in front of the fire.

I stood up from my crouch and saw Tom and Drew smiling at me.

"You have to make us hot chocolate, it's my birthday and I say so." I smiled back at them before quickly following Jade and throwing myself on the other couch and pulling a blanket over me. 

I looked over at Tom in the doorway and pulled the blanket up to my chin, "Please, we're so cold." I made my eyes as big as I could. 

"Yeah, now it's your birthday, but when we come to give you presents I bet it'll stop being a big deal then won't it?" He smiled and shook his head at me before walking towards the kitchen. 

By the time the boys came in with the hot chocolate I could almost feel my toes again.

I blew my candles out with a giant smile on my face. 

After one of the best meals Jade had ever cooked I'd been forced into opening my presents, as always they'd gone overboard but I was so grateful. 

Jade had gotten me new boots she'd seen me looking at online a few months before, they were so pretty. 

Andrew had given me a new scarf and some DVD's I'd been wanting. 

Tom bought me a few books, one signed by one of my favorite authors and it brought a tear to my eye, a hoodie with cute cartoon dinosaurs all over it, a star projector that he knew I'd wanted for a while but cold never justify buying myself and a beautiful polaroid camera. 

"What did you wish for?" Jade asked as she cut into the cake, expecting us to somehow eat it despite the fact we could barely move from the meal. 

"Nothing really, I don't need anything else." I shrugged and beamed at her. 

"Doesn't mean you can't wish for Jared Leto to come and sing you to sleep tonight." She laughed and handed me a plate with a giant slice of chocolate cake in the middle. 

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