jaded flames (FadingGenes) Wk - 2

45 6 19

 (Stream of consciousness, ABC poem, innocence and experience)


After everything that we've been through

Before you let red descend on your view

Come back my dear, and see the truth

Dreary my nights, duller my days

Every ray of sunshine faintly fades - as I

Fearing the absence of you

Gear up to fight the darkness of those who

Have nothing better to do

Instead of throwing stones from glass houses

Jaded remain their world views

Kindling flames - giggling at disaster

Laughing mirthlessly, while we collect

millions of pieces of dreams they shattered


Now comes the dawn of the new era

Opus of unheard melodies

Perpetuating yet, chords in memoria

Quantifying copious qualities

Ratifying changes desired deeply

Such were the songs yet unsung

Thus came their time to shine

Under the chivalrous blanket of stars

Voices raised; osmotic pressure in parts

Wondrous to behold, this era of gold

Xerox days lie in the past with shattered glass

You and me; we lay bathed in the colours of dawn

Zealous to carve our own constellations once and for all. 



This poem is inspired strongly by William Blake's collections of poems called Songs of Innocence and Experience. I often had debates with my fellow classmates about whether we could classify his anthologies as a distinct poetic style and I've always argued that we could and we should. The style in short, follows a pattern of writing from a state of innocence (i.e idealistic world views based on ideologies) which then turns into writing from a state of experience (i.e realistic world view based on real life experiences). I tweaked the style and flipped it on itself such that my poem begins with a state of harsh reality (I.e fighting those who want to ruin your happiness, contentment and want to see you suffer and fail) and leads into an ideal world (one where idealism wins). I have recently experienced what can only be described as a paradigm shift in my world views hence why I chose to write in this style. The poem also follows two other styles of stream of consciousness and ABC poem structure utilising all 26 alphabets. 

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