Choo-Choo Train (sonakshisrivastava) Wk - 3 (2)

41 13 24

Choo-Choo Train

Come on and board

The Choo-Choo train

Choo-choo train

Choo-choo train

Come on and board

The Choo- choo train

Let's have fun again!

Windows up

The spirits fly

Spirits fly

Mountains high!

Windows up

The spirits fly

High up in the sky!

The engine goes

A whoosh whoosh whoosh

whoosh whoosh whoosh

Look out for the goose!

The engine goes

whoosh whoosh whoosh

He hid behind the bush!

A bird came by

to tweet tweet tweet

tweet tweet tweet

To sit on your feet!

A bird came by

to tweet tweet tweet

Looking for a treat!

Everyone cheer

A hur-hurray


Like sunshine ray!

Everyone cheer

A hur-hurray

What a lovely day!

The train has now

Come to the stop

Come to the stop

By a tiny shop!

The train has now

Come to the stop

Now let's hickety hop!

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