Repeat Another Day (crazyp01) Wk-4

52 11 18

Your Cerelac is ready

And so is your juice

You eat up

While I get your boots.


We'll wobble past

Your favorite corner shop

There you'll stop

And ask for a lollipop.


Once we're back

You can play with the papers

If that bores you

You can watch the neighbors.


I know you'll fuss and fume

And refuse to eat

Those steamed vegetables

Which hurt your nonexistent teeth.


You take your afternoon nap

As I'll get the chores done

Then off we'll go for a short jog

You'll meet your friends for some fun.


In the evening

Your knees will hurt

But you won't admit it

Instead, you'll ask for dessert.


We'll argue about what to watch

At my movie choice you will laugh

Your glasses will slip as you doze

Even before we've seen half.


When you were young

You watched over me

Now I am grown

By your side, I will be.


I'll hold your hand

As you gently snore

If you wake tomorrow

We'll do this once more.

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