Basement Rant Recording : Gotta Win A Dolphin

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When we finally got the tickets me and Jeremy rushed back to Evan and Connor.

"Alright we both got 50 tickets each, and most of the rides and games at least cost 1 tickets. So we are good for the rest of the night", I explained to Evan and Connor.

"S-so I can t-try cotton candy?", Evan questioned. Connor gave him a scandalous look.

"You've never had cotton candy?", he wheezed out. Evan shook his head. Connor then let out a sigh and grabbed Evan's hand. 

"I gotta show you the finer things in life you little sheltered fuck", was all I heard Connor mutter as he lead Evan towards a cotton candy stand. 

"How long do you think it will be before Connor realizes his undying love for Evan?", Jeremy teased. I let out a laugh, wishing that Jeremy would do the same thing for me. 

"I'll give it about a week", I responded. Jeremy nodded. "Now, lets go wander around here before Connor runs back complaining about how he wasted all his tickets on Evan".

With that me and Jeremy strutted around the fair like we owned the place. Jeremy waved his tickets around like they were a million dollars. I followed his every move, not even paying attention to anything else really. 

As we reached the end of the fair, a little booth came into view. 

It wasn't all that big, but it was definitely worth checking out. 

When we got closer I heard Jeremy utter a small "Oh my god", before stalking closer to the booth. There, sitting on the table in the back, was a medium sized dolphin plushie. It looked rather raggity, some of it's stuffing was sticking out, but Jeremy seemed to fall in love with it. 

I could see it on his face. I know Jeremy. And I can tell when he gets excited over something since his usually pale face gets a little bit of color on it. 

"You want it?", I asked. Jeremy nodded, not even looking at me. I let out a small chuckle as I looked through my pockets for some tickets. We spent most of them buying food and dorky looking hats. I only wore the hats, never touched the fucking food though. We didn't even go on any rides. Sad but true. 

I noticed we only had ten left, but that didn't stop me from walking towards the owner with a smug look on my face. 

"So, gonna win the dolphin plush for your boyfriend?", the man working there asked. I felt my cheeks flare up at the comment. But Jeremy didn't object to it so that made me feel a little bit better. 

"Yep, I am", I replied with a shaky voice. The man smiled. "Alright then, the game is simple, if you can find the card that I show you in a stack that has ten cards in it, you win. Easy peezy", the man explained. 

I nodded, and when I put down a ticket, I had my game face on. 

My game face was quickly abolished when I realized this wasn't as easy as it seemed. 

I heard the man let out a chuckle. I glared at him, but he still had a lazy smile on his face. 

"Last ticket kid", he teased. 

My glare only thickened. 

"It's alright if you don't get it", Jeremy whispered. "Nope, I am getting this dolphin for you", I replied as I slammed my final ticket on the table. 

"Alrighty then, good luck kid", the man said before he started to shuffle the stupid cards. I watched with warped focus and when he showed me the queen I stared even harder. 

It felt like I was going to get a headache from looking so hard. 

When he placed the cards on the table I stared at them. It's gotta be one of them. I know it! Well I mean that's obvious but whatever. "Hurry up kid! I gotta get home to my husband and he doesn't like it when I'm late", the man huffed out. I stared up at him, a triumphant grin on my face, as I pointed at the card on the far right side. 

The man reached for it, flipped it over, and there it sat. 

"Oh, it's a king", Jeremy whispered from behind me.

Oh fuck my life. 

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