Blue Paper : Just Me And Eric

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I felt my throat stiffen when I only saw Eric's car in the drive way. When mom is here he is a lot less dangerous. She is my lifeline, even if she doesn't know it.

I took a deep strangled breath in and started walking  up the steps to my house. If anything happened I could just run back to Micheals house. It was only a few blocks away.

I opened the door as quietly as I could. Sometimes when Eric heard me he would somewhat drag me into the living room to watch football.

It was just his way of comparing me to the people on the screen. Pointing out everything they had and I didn't.

I hated it.

I closed the door quickly behind me and made a mad dash to my room. I almost made it, but a quick hand grabbed my leg causing me to catapult myself to the ground.

I let out a small whimper.

"Hello Jer, want to watch the game with me?", Eric asked. His voice sounded like a chocolate dipped in honey.

It sounded so sweet.

I knew he wasn't sweet at all.

I opened my mouth to correct him, to tell him to shut the fuck up and not call me Jer, but he was already whisking me away to the couch to watch the game.

I didn't even know what teams where playing. But I do know that it was a football game.

Eric took a seat next to me. I already knew what he was going to say. What he was going to do.

"Oh, look at him. He's tall and muscular. What's his name again?", Eric asked.

"Aaron Donald", I replied even though I didn't even care.

Eric did a small hum and sunk back into his seat. But I felt his eyes still linger on me.

"You know Jeremy, when I first met you I thought you would be like all the other kids. Playing outside. Being happy. Not being a little bitch", he spat out the last part.

I winced at his wording. I hated being called names.

"You look just like your mother... and it's terrible. Look at your fucking arms", he seized my arms and pulled them up roughly, "I could snap them easily. Your so brittle I'm surprised you even survived child birth. Hell, it would have been better if you didn't".

I knew that I was going to cry soon. I needed to escape soon. This is about the part where he decides it a fun thing to push me around.

"I gotta go", I whispered out quickly. I ripped my arms out of his grip and bolted off of the couch. I didn't even give Eric a second glance.

I was already out the door and running towards Micheals house.

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