Email Title : I Wanna Get Drunk

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As I continued hanging out with the group, I noticed that each was egging onto how I even broke my arm.

I would never tell. It was something I swore to myself not to tell anyone.

It was like the time I jumped out of a tree at least a year ago.

I never told anyone. Not even my mom. But I don't think she would even care.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by someone calling my name.

"EVAN! GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE", they shouted.

It was probably Micheal. Jeremy didn't yell and Connor was to lazy to.

I quickly got out of the beat up car and shuffled to the group which was crowded around what seemed to be a box.

"W-What is it?", I asked. Micheal looked over his shoulder at me and pulled out whatever it was from the box.

"A full package of beer", he replied.

I felt my mouth hang open a little bit. Now, I was never a rebellious kid. Well maybe I was but I didn't do illegal things.

This was very illegal. But I couldn't help but think about what it would taste like.

"Here Ev. You take the first sip", Connor said, holding a somehow open bottle of beer towards me.

I looked at him. I could already feel my hands becoming oceans.

But how could I refuse him when he stared at me like that? With such a lazy smile. No one ever smiled at me like that.

So I took the beer from his hands and pulled it to my lips. I took a big gulp of the beverage, and it burned my throat. But I didn't stop.

It was a rush. I've only ever had two rushes in my life. And they all ended up with pain. But this, this made me feel like I was floating.

When I released the bottle from my grip I looked at my friends who where still taking small kitten sips from there bottles.

There eyes where wide. Who would expect little innocent baby Evan Hansen to down a full bottle of beer?

No one.

"C-can I h-have another o-one?", I stuttered out.

Connor reached into the box again and handed me a bottle. I smiled at him. He smiled back.

So I then drank this one too. And another. And another. And more and more and more. Until the sun was in the middle of the sky.

My head felt like it was spinning. And I guess Jeremy's and Micheal's where to since we where laughing over nothing and crying over everything.

It was all so great.

Being drunk was great.

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