Ripped Journal Page : Evan Hansen That's His Name

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Evan Hansen. That was his name. Me and the group learned it soon. It seemed like a normal, typical name. 

But the way it rolled off my tongue, it made me feel a certain way. 

I glared at the dirt in annoyance when I whispered his name again. It annoyed me to no end. Wanted to make me rip out my hair that I took so long to grow out. 

"CONNOR!", Micheal shouted at me before he chucked the basketball towards my head. I dodged it just in the nick of time, but it sadly launched itself into Jeremy's poor stomach. 

Jeremy doubled over to the ground, gasping for breath. 

"Oh shit", Micheal silently cursed as he ran towards his friend who now looked like a dying skeleton. 

I had to bite back a smile at how panicked Micheal looked while Jeremy whispered 'It's fine' over and over. 

"W-w-why are you s-s-smiling?", Evan asked from my left side. I glared at him, the smile I ocnce wore wiped from my face . "None of your business Evan Hansen", I hissed back. 

Evan deflated a little, his face turning into a disappointed puppy. His non-broken arm twitching a little. I opened my mouth to apologize, but stopped myself. 

What is wrong with me? I don't apologize. That's my thing. It's the Connor Murphy way. Hell, even my little sister doesn't apologize and she isn't as much of a bitch as me. 

Suddenly I heard a loud wail of a cry. Me and Evan both turned our attention back to Jeremy and Micheal. Jeremy was smiling like the cheshire cat while Micheal looked like he was about to cry. 

"What happened to you to?", I asked. 

"He chucked my basketball into the trash heap!", Micheal exclaimed in a pitiful crying voice. He then flopped down onto the dirt covered earth and rolled around. As if that would help him get his precious basketball back. 

I heard Evan giggle next to me and I turned to him. "What's so funny?", I asked. 

"N-none of y-your b-business C-Connor M-Murphy", he bit back. 

I tried to glare at him, but all that appeared on my face was a pleasant smile. 

Who knew a strange new friend could make my cold demeanor defrost, even just for a little while. 

Me and the group stayed out a little while longer after that. 

Micheal luckily got his basketball back, even if it did have a strange new stain on it. Jeremy found an old gameboy that, by some lucky chance, still worked. And Evan found the first ever growing flower we have seen in the junkyard. Which, in my opinion, was a great feat.

But after that we all had to leave. Well, we really didn't. No one at home probably cared if we left. If we never came back. But no one stayed at the junkyard at night. It was eerie.

So I said my goodbye's to them and headed on home. Well, it was more like a place that kept out the rain and snow. It was never a home. It never will be a home. 

Home's have flowers sprouting in the front yard.

Our so called home had bottles and broken marriages sprouting from the cheap carpet. 

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