Blue Paper : Me And Him

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I have a very distinct memory of me and Micheal. One that I hold close to my heart. 

It was when my neck was sliced open like a bag, and I was trapped in the hospital. I hated that hospital with a burning passion that it surprised even the patients that were stuck there was well. 

But one thing that I did like about the hospital was the T.V. At home Eric didn't even let me near the T.V, saying it was only for the normal people. But here, it was for everyone. I loved the T.V so much. I would watch The News, Little House on the Prairie, Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, The Goldbergs, and I even watched The Imitation Game. It made me cry so hard that Micheal had to hold me.

That is my memory. Micheal holding me tightly while I sobbed over this man who I never knew. 

Micheal's arms where so warm that it must have lulled me to sleep. Even as I fell asleep thought I felt his reassuring grip on me. 

That everything was okay.

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