Blue Paper : A New Boy At School

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Richard Goranski. A short boy who held himself so high that it made up for his short stature. He came to school on December 1. He was late and his backpack wasn't even zipped up all the way. 

His hair was a golden blond with a little red streak in it. It made his hair just a little bit less bland. My teacher gave him hell, and made him sit all the way in the back next to me. As if I was a punishment. 

"Hey, hey kid", I heard a whisper next to me during the middle of the teachers lecture. I peeked over at him to see him smiling towards me. I did a small smile back but it disappeared quickly. As if it was never there. 

"My name is Richard, but call me Rich", he explained. I just nodded. "Huh, you don't talk to much, do you?", he questioned. I shook my head. "What's that scar on your neck? Did someone try to murder you?", he asked. I paused for a second, should I tell him the truth? If I tell him will he think I am lying? If I do, where would I go? The police would surely take me away and put me in foster care and there would be a big possibility of leaving Micheal behind. I couldn't do that. 

So instead I whispered in reply, "It's my birthmark". He made a small 'O' shape with his mouth. 

"That's a cool birthmark, mine looks like a weird dick and it's right on my chest so it's terrible", Rich responded with a small chuckle.

Now that, that made me chuckle so very silently, so much so that you probably couldn't hear me. But I saw Rich smile at my laugh. He listens very well.

"I can't believe you are gushing to me about another dude", Micheal hissed out as he dug deeper into the car seat thinking he will find a treasure.

I shrugged. "He even sat with me at lunch, even though Jake Dillinger offered him a seat next to him. And Jake is the most popular guy at my school!", I exclaimed while waving my hands in the air for emphasis. 

Micheal looked up from the car seat with a done look on his face. "Still, I don't trust Rich, what if he wants to kill you??!?", Micheal almost screamed. I laughed at him. 

"I don't think he will do that Micheal... I am positive he won't".

The next day I arrived at school Rich was waiting for me at our first class together. When his eyes landed on me his smile appeared on his face. It somehow resembled Micheal's in a way. 

"Morning Jeremy", he greeted me. I smiled at him and waved. 

The rest of the day was a blur. I remember him falling asleep in history. He asked if I could help him with his math. He made me eat a whole bag of carrots during lunch. But one thing that stood out considerably was how his hand brushed against mine at least five times. And on the sixth he held it. 

When I told Micheal this when I arrived at the junkyard, his face was unreadable. 

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