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colby's pov
(friday afternoon-evening)
"i'm so sick of myself. i embarrass my mom. i'm so fucking insecure, i have a terrible figure, and although you think it's good, i don't. i wish my shoulders weren't as broad, i wish my hips weren't as wide, i wish my waist was smaller, i wish my facial hair didn't grow that fast, i wish i didn't have acne. i wish i was perfect. i wish my own family didn't hate me," sam sobbed. it truly broke me hearing him crying again, but it hadn't stopped. everything had just sunk in for him, the reality of it all. he'd been crying for about an hour non-stop, and he'd thrown up twice from crying that much, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stop himself.
"you are perfect. you don't need your family to love you, you have me, i love you, so much i can't explain in words, and i know it might seem like the end of the world now, but i promise you, it will be ok in the end. you will he loved, and you will realise you're perfect. your shoulders are a lot less broad than mine, along with your hips, you can't control your facial hair, don't be embarrassed of it, your acne is honestly almost nothing, and little red blemishes just make you even cuter. you are perfect, sam. perfect. let that sink in. perfect," i dragged out the last word, holding him in my arms.
"i'll learn to love myself eventually, right?" he said quietly and croakily.
"of course you will baby, and even if i have to show you how to, i'll make sure of it," i kissed his forehead with a sigh, my arms tightly wrapped around him. "d'you want one of these? you'll like it," i asked, handing him the plate of cupcakes. he shook his head.
"it'll only make me fat," he frowned.
"sam, c'mon. you're literally perfect! you're not fat but you're not like too skinny, eating a cupcake will do nothing. and you have a fast metabolism. so it's hard for you to get fat anyway. you're perfect, and i love you," i made him look at me and i kissed him.
"you're right. i'm being so irrational and annoying. i'm sorry," he frowned again, tears filling his eyes.
"you've nothing to be sorry for, sammy," i almost felt like crying myself. seeing him so upset made me feel the same as him - must be something to do with being platonic soulmates. but not entirely platonic, if you know what i mean. he took a cake and took a small bite, smiling at the sweet flavour.
"told you you'd like it," i smiled, watching him make slow progress of cheering up.

"gage!" i laughed as he knocked on my bedroom door and walked in.
"colby!" he laughed.
"sam!" he grinned, holding his fist out. sam fistbumped him back, giggling.
"he's a keeper," gage laughed, patting me on the shoulder. i grinned and laughed, nodding. sam blushed and leaned into me to hide his blush.
"how was school this week?" he asked, sitting on the end of my bed.
"pretty good. missed like three days, but it was good. what about college?" i asked, kissing sam's head lightly.
"yeah, it was ok. boring, but ok. i met a girl, though," he grinned.
"oh my god! what's her name, what's she like?" i asked, wanting to know it all.
"her name's santana and she's really sweet. we're not an item at the minute, but i'm pretty sure she likes me," he grinned.
"good for you!" i laughed. it'd been almost a year since gage had been with someone.
"thanks man. i'm gonna go into my room, i'll see you two lovebirds later," he chuckled, leaving the room. i looked at sam and he looked at me with a grin, looking from my lips to my eyes. i grinned and kissed him, him giggling into the kiss.
"what?" i pulled away with a smile.
"you taste like cupcakes," he giggled, pulling me in for another kiss. this time his mouth was open for my tongue to enter, and i took that advantage as far as it would go. i slid my tongue into his mouth, both of them wrestling with eachother.
"lock the door," sam breathed. i hopped off of my bed and rushed to the door, locking it. i went to my light switch, which was a dimmer, and made it a little darker, going back to the bed. he was sat up and i pushed him down, my hands on either side of his head. we made out passionately, his hands tangled in my hair and my hands sliding down each sides of his body one at a time. tonight was gonna be.. fun.


i rlly like cheese uno.

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