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sam's pov
(wednesday morning)
i woke up hurting, but not as bad as last time - i was able to sit up without unbearable pain. just normal pain.
"babe," i whispered with a yawn, tapping colby's chest.
"mhm?" he opened his eyes slowly and smiled.
"goodmorning," i giggled quietly, peppering gentle kisses all over his face.
"mornin' gorgeous," he chuckled, smiling as i kissed down his neck.
"how did you sleep?" he asked with a laugh.
"really well, actually! my sleep has been so much better since i moved in here," i giggled against his collarbone, sucking gently. he groaned in pleasure; i must've found his sweet spot.
"i-i'm glad," he said shakily, his hand gripping my waist roughly as i sucked along his collarbone. i moved my lips away, looking at the forming red marks i had left. i grinned to myself and rested my head on his shoulder, his hard grip on my waist loosening.
"so what time is brennen coming?" i asked.
"i'm not sure, we'll just have to wait until he comes," he shrugged. just as he finished, there was a knock on the front door downstairs, some talking, footsteps, then a knock on the bedroom door.
"come in," colby half-yelled. as if on queue to the conversation, brennen walked in, holding a gift bag.
"happy late birthday!" he laughed, walking over to the bed. "am i ok to move the curtain or am i gonna see something i don't wanna see?"
"no, you're fine," colby chuckled, rubbing my arm. both of us had hickeys everywhere on our chests, and we were both naked under the covers. brennen moved the curtain and smiled, handing me a giftbag.
"thank you," i giggled, putting it next to me. he seated himself on the end of the bed, talking to colby about something. all i could notice though, was the way brennen was balling his hands into fists the whole time.
"sam?" colby laughed, squeezing my arm softly.
"oh- hmm, yeah?" i shook my head, looking away from brennen's hand and to colby.
"you just like zoned out," he chuckled to himself and muttered something about me being cute, and carried on talking to brennen. yet again, i zoned out, watching as his knuckles and fingers turned almost colourless as he squeezed his fists harder.
"colby!" colby's mom yelled from downstairs. i bit my lip to stop myself from laughing as i realised he was naked.
"brennen could you just.. cover your eyes for a sec? and pass me those boxers on the floor?" colby smiled awkwardly. brennen passed him the boxers and turned around, and colby quickly slipped them on, jumping out of bed and slipping a pair of joggers over them. he left the room and closed the door, and brennen came onto the bed, straddling me.
"w-what're you doing? get off," i tried pushing him off, but he was firmly on top of me.
"if you even make a noise, you're fucked," brennen breathed, bringing his lips to my neck.
"please get off," i whimpered, feeling tears come to my eyes as i pulled my neck as far away from him as possible.
"and why would i do that?" he chuckled manically, trying to press his lips against mine.
"because i don't want it," i desperately tried to get away from him, wriggling and trying to push him off.
"well i do," he succeeded in trying to kiss me, and i blew against his mouth to get him off me and he laughed, going back in for another kiss, but holding my cheeks so i couldn't move. i silently cried, and he got off of me. i thought it was over, but he stripped the cover off of me, seeing me naked. i tried my best to cover myself up, but he still won, moving my hands and making me lay down. how long, colby? please come back, i thought to myself as tears slid down my face. he started pumping me, and i attempted to writhe away from him, but failed.
"please just get off," i cried, loudly.
"what did i say about making noise, princess?" he grinned evilly, continuing to pump me.
"stop it!" i yelled with a sob as i heard gentle footsteps come up the stairs. he must've not heard them, because he slapped me violently as colby walked in.
"what the fuck are you doing?" colby yelled in pure rage, throwing brennen off of me. i grabbed the covers and pulled them back over me, crying into them.
"get the fuck out! and don't bother coming back, you dirty piece of shit!" he spat in anger, taking a second to calm himself before coming over to me.
"sammy?" he said softly, sitting on the bed next to me. i didn't move, just continued crying into the covers.
"sammy, i have some clothes here if you want them," he continued speaking as softly as possible. i sniffled and lifted my head up, looking at him with pain and tears in my eyes.
"oh, baby," his voice cracked and he pulled me onto his lap, holding me tightly. i cried even more into his bare chest, and he started crying with me.
"let me see your cheek," he sniffled, trying to sound strong. i moved my face so he could see the side where brennen had slapped me. he choked on his own breath, and i could still feel the sting on my cheek of each of his fingers.
"c-can i h-have th-the clothes p-please?" i sniffled. colby nodded and wiped his eyes, grabbing a set of clothes from behind him with one hand. i clambered off of his lap slowly and got dressed into a pair of colby's sweats and one of colby's hoodies. he watched as i got dressed without emotion, and pulled me into a hug when i was done. i cried some more, and then he asked me the question i was dreading.
"what did he do to you, baby? don't go too fast, take your time," he asked, cradling me in his lap.
"w-well first he.." i explained everything, and colby looked like he was about to cry again.
"i should've been back up here quicker, i shouldn't have left you alone with him, i know what he's like. i let this happen when i could've avoided it," his voice cracked as he blamed it on himself.
"colby, this isn't your fault whatsoever," i wrapped my arms around him, hugging him tightly. he hugged me back, twice as hard as i could've ever hugged him.
"i love you," he sobbed.
"i love you more," i sniffled, clinging onto him.


this actually hurt to write :(( also don't be mad there's no thanksgiving i'm british >:(

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