5. Yvonne Mcreary

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A month had passed by since I met Tristan and Kieran. In that month, Tiegan increased his bullying, not only targeting me but them as well. I had to make it stop. I felt like such a burden to the boys, and I tried to stop being friends with them but they refused to stop talking to me. I had a constant voice in the back of my head, but I was trying my hardest to avoid it. I couldn't go back down that road again, but it was persistent.

"We don't care what Tiegan has to say. We're your friends and that is that." Tristan had said. Kieran agreed with him.

I sat down at my desk. Tiegan was next to me.

"Hey, Scarface, can I ask you a question?" He asked.

'What do you want?" I didn't bother looking at him. I knew he was just going to have that annoying smile on his face.

"I just wanted to ask why you don't wear a skirt with your uniform like the other girls?"

"I just don't like wearing skirts."

It's the truth. I used to love wearing dresses and skirts, but after an...incident at a party, I was scared to show off too much skin. I didn't want

"You'd look much hotter if you did." He said. I felt so uncomfortable.

"Please stop talking to me." I responded, not looking at him.

"Oh come on, maybe your little boyfriends would like you a lot more." He snatched my paper off of my desk, making me look up.

"Give me my paper back and leave me alone!" I yelled.

I had never raised my voice before that moment. Usually, I would just do my best to ignore him, but at that time it really got to me.

The entire class looked at me. My teacher told us all to quiet down since he wasn't paying attention at all to the situation. Mainly because he didn't want to scold Tiegan.

As soon as class was over, I went to my safe haven. Which as you all know, was the second hall bathroom. As usual, no one was in there. I looked at myself in the mirror. Luckily, a while after I got my scar, Tiegan realized that my scar was low-hanging fruit. He moved on to different things, things that hurt me more than when he insulted my scar. I have to say, he really is clever when it comes to insults.

I sat in the bathroom stall, playing on my phone, when suddenly I heard the door open. I tried to stay as quiet as possible,

"I know you're in here, Yvonne. I followed you."

That bathroom was the place I went to so I could get away from everyone. I didn't even tell Tristan or Kieran about it. So the fact that Tiegan walked in made me not only worried, but scared as well.

I came out of the stall, and went over to wash my hands to pretend as though I was actually using the bathroom and not just hiding in there.

"Do you need something?" I asked, not looking at him.

"Yeah. I don't appreciate how you yelled at me this morning." He said. There was something in his voice, something that set it apart from the way his voice sounded when he was simply insulting me.

"I just wanted you to leave me alone." I still didn't look at him. I couldn't bring myself to. I had clearly gotten in trouble that morning due to my little outburst, and Tiegan was just a ticking time bomb waiting for me to make a wrong move and set him off. I had finally made the wrong move he was waiting for.

"Yelling at me is pretty rude, don't you think?"

"Being in the girls bathroom is pretty weird, don't you think?" I said under my breath.

Next thing I knew, Tiegan had pushed me into the wall. "I think I deserve an apology, don't you?"

"An apology? You were rude to me." I shot back.

He scoffed. "I was trying to give you advice. You could be a little grateful." He sneered.

"Just, just let go of me and leave me alone." I tried to push him off of me, but he wasn't moving.

"Why? Feeling nervous that I might..." He took one hand off the wall and brushed my hair behind my ears. "Do something?"

I froze. This couldn't happen again, but I knew I couldn't stop him. "Tiegan, please-"

He put his hand on the back of my neck, holding me still as he forced his lips onto mine. Every part of my body freaked. It wanted to move, but it couldn't. When he moved his hand down to my waist, something snapped and I managed to use my arm to slap him. It stunned him.

"You little bitch-"

I kicked him, hard. And ran out the door.

I lost my breath the second I had made it down the road, and I had to stop. I leaned against a fence in someone's front yard, trying to catch my breath. I couldn't go back to school. I had to go home.

Thinking about what Tiegan had done, the fact that when I got home I would be alone, like I'd always felt, the thought of how I couldn't tell my mom because she had so much on her mind, and how I couldn't tell Tristan or Kieran because I didn't want to burden them with my problems, I knew what had to be done.

My heart pounded as I finished my walk home. Cars passed by. Little children waved at me, smiling, as they chewed on the candy that their parents had given to them to please them. The parents gave me a small smile or nod, or just completely ignored me.

I remember what I thought about as I walked. "Did these kids know that the girl they're waving to will be dead on her bathroom floor in a few hours?" and "In a few days, will these adults see my face in a newspaper, announcing my death? Will they recognize my face? Not likely. They probably would have forgotten me."

I made it to the house, my hands shaking as I opened the door. The house was empty.

Sierra Mcreary came home after she remembered that the heels she had wanted to wear for the party were still at home. She saw her daughter's stuff on the couch. "How many times have I told this girl to take this stuff to her room?" She asked herself, shaking her head.

She went into her room and got her heels. "Should probably go to the bathroom." She said to herself. As she walked to the bathroom, she noticed that her daughter's room was empty.

"Yvonne?" She called out. No answer. 'Yvonne?" She called out again.

She noticed that the light was on in the bathroom. She knocked on the door, and waited for an answer but got nothing. She opened the door and fell to her knees, screaming.

"Yvonne? Yvonne!" She shook her daughter's body. She saw the open bottle of pills on the counter and the stray pills on the floor. She quickly grabbed her phone and called 999.

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