43. Yvonne Mcreary

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I went up the steps and stopped outside of Evan's room. I knocked on the door. "Nathaniel, can I come in?"

"I don't care." I opened the door to see him sitting on the bed. He looked angry, and I felt nervous walking in. I know he wasn't Xander, but knowing that they shared DNA still made me wary of him.

"I think you should apologize to Rose." Nathaniel scoffed at this, making me think of Damion. "It was really rude of you to say that."

"I didn't say anything that wasn't true."

"She thought her son was dead." I protested. This didn't seem to change anything. Nathaniel still had an angry look on his face. "It was a different story."

He stayed silent.

"Nathaniel, I know that your parents were terrible. But that doesn't mean that all parents are terrible. Rose is a really good person, and she took me in-"

"So where are your parents?" He made eye contact with me. I found myself stunned by the intense gaze his different colored eyes were giving me.

"Well, my mom is dead, and my step dad is dead, and my biological dad is dead..." I trailed off in the end.

"How did they die?" I didn't know where he was going with that, but I answered anyways.

"Well, my biological dad died of cancer. My mom remarried this British guy, James, and we moved to the U.K. to be with him, but a few years after that he got in a car accident. And then my mom, well, she died a few days ago. Xander killed her."

"The car accident, is that where you got that scar?"

I nodded, touching my eye.

"What were your parents like?"

"My biological dad was really outgoing. He always had us do a lot of things together as a family, like go to movies and amusement parks and take vacations to places like California and New York. When he became bedridden, he always tried to make me laugh. He tried to hide the pain that he was in, but I knew that he was slowly dying. He really didn't want to upset his daughter even if it meant having to constantly pretend he was alright." I smiled, thinking about him. I then continued.

"My stepdad, James, he was cool. He knew that I wasn't going to love him like I loved my dad, and he never tried to take his place. He loved helping people, so we helped out at a lot of soup kitchens and nursing homes. When he died, I tried to keep it up, but it just didn't feel the same." I thought about all the fun I had helping out at those places. Sometimes I wished I could go back and help, but it dind't feel the same.

"And my mom, well, she started losing herself after my biological dad died. But James seemed to bring some of her back. But after James died, she kinda lost it. She started drinking, and going out a lot. I miss hanging out with her when she was sane. We watched a lot of movies together and she helped me out with my girl problems. She always made me feel like there was someone who was there for me, who would listen to me and make me feel like someone loved me. But, like I said, the death of James really ruined her, and she just..." I could feel the tears welling up.

"So she was pretty absent then?" Nathaniel cocked his head.

"I guess you could say that."

"Then if she was barely there for you, then why do you even care that she's dead?" I blinked rapidly, taken aback by his question.

"What?" I tried not to yell.

"You said it yourself. She became a drunk and clearly didn't care about you, so why miss her? If she was so absent, then her dying shouldn't really be a big change."

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