35. Yvonne Mcreary

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After my panic attack, Rose didn't want to leave me alone. I didn't blame her, but the last thing I needed was for her to be hovering over me. It would only make me feel worse.

I went to Damion's house. When I arrived there, he answered the door. His face was puffy, and his eyes were red. He let me inside without saying a word.

Damion sat on the couch. After our escape, he seemed to be drained of all of his energy. Heath had told us that it would happen, since we weren't used to using our powers. It didn't hit me as much as it hit Damion, since he went full force with his.

"Damion, did something happen?"I asked, sitting on the couch with him.

"My dad was shot while he was on his way home." He said it like he didn't believe it.

"Holy shit." First my mom, now this? "How...?"

"His car was sitting on the side of the road, and he was lying next to it. They think someone convinced him to get out of his car and then shot him. They're not sure yet." Damion's voice was shaky, and he was taking deep breaths after he finished a sentence.

"Jesus." I covered my mouth with my hands. "That's what happened to my mom. She was shot in her bedroom."

"It was Xander. I know it was. This isn't a coincidence. He was shot the day before we got back home. And I'm sure your mom was dead before we got back too." Damion balled his hands into fists.

"Where's Lilith?"

"In the guest room." Damion stretched his fingers out, shaking his head. "She hasn't come out since we got here."

"I should go talk to her."

"She won't answer you." He played with his hands. "At least, she didn't answer me. I think we should just wait and let her come to us when she is ready."

I nodded and stayed silent. Both Damion and I had lost a parent, and Lilith didn't even know her parents. How did we end up in this life? Why was everything so unfair?

We stayed silent.

"Hi, Yvonne." I turned around to see Lilith standing there, looking sleep deprived. She sat on the couch across from us, curling up on the side.

"Lilith! How are you feeling?"

"Not great." She shrugged, yawning. "It seems that escaping has only added more problems."

"I was thinking the same thing." I admitted.

We were all silent for a moment. Until I confessed something that had been on my mind since I had seen my mother's body. "I don't know if I am happy that we left."

"Same here." Damion agreed. "I am...confused right now. I don't really know how I feel about my dad's death. I'm just shocked right now."

He got up and went into the kitchen. I wanted to talk to Lilith privately, but he came back before I could say anything.

"So what are we going to do?" Damion asked. "We're surrounded by people we love dying."

"Damion, doesn't your mom work with the government? Can't she do something about this?"

Damion groaned. "Everytime I try to talk to her about it, she shuts me down. It's like she doesn't believe me or something."

Nobody said anything after that.

I always wondered what my mom would say if I had gotten the chance to tell her what happened. Would she have believed me? Would she think I was a liar? I always had a suspicion that there was something that wasn't in the files that we got. That maybe our parents had a decision in us getting sent to The Facility. It was something I thought about, and still think about to this day. I never got an answer to my question.

It was Lilith who finally spoke up. "Are you going to go back to school?"

It was one of the questions Lazarus had asked her. School hadn't been on my mind at all since we had made it back. But it was sure on my mind then. Going back meant the stress would come back. Going back meant seeing Tiegan. My chest tightened thinking about it.

"I really can't see myself just going back, but I'm pretty sure my mom wants me to." Damion drank from his cup. "Even though I know she wants what's best for me, I don't think I can go back right away. People are going to be talking about us."

"That is true." I sighed. "We technically came back from the dead. I don't need more people talking about me, but I know it's going to happen."

"Well we can't just stay in hiding forever. I'm sure that our parent's death has caused some kind of gossip."

"Then we might as well go back. People are already talking about us." Obviously I was

being sarcastic, but I don't think Damion caught on to it.

"You're right." He sat up straight. "We should go back."

"I actually wasn't being serious." I whispered. He seemed to have his mind set on going on back, so I knew anything that I said was going to fall on deaf ears.

"So, what do we have to go to get back into school?" He said.

"Tell people that we're not dead." I stated bluntly. He pursed his lips and slumped back.

"Right. I forgot about that." He tapped his fingers on his leg.

"I'm staying at my friends house. His mom is a cop. Maybe she can help us. I mean, aren't police supposed to be helpful?"

"Not if they're in on it." Lilith chimed in. Damion and I both looked at her. "When I took my files from the bag, I picked up a few more. It was the history of The Facility, a few files that Lazarus had made, and a few files that Xander had made. Xander had help from not only the hospitals, but from the police. When they show up to suicides, they tell Xander. And then they bring you to The Facility where you can be revived."

"Jesus." Damion muttered. "Are you sure your friends mom can be trusted?"

It was at this moment where my view of all the people who were supposed to be good changed.

"We can't trust anyone. The hospitals, the police, therapists and psychiatrists, everyone is in on it." Lilith was blunt. It was odd seeing her like this instead of her over happy smiling self, but a lot had happened and I didn't blame her for not wanting to pretend.

"Don't forget our school's guidance offices." Damion chimed in. "We can't trust them either."

"So who do we trust, then?" No one seemed to have an answer to this question. I wasn't really expecting one, but I needed something to soothe my nerves. Were we truly alone in Ivingly? Was everyone in on this terrible scheme?

"We trust ourselves."

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