41. Yvonne Mcreary

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I stood in the office, waiting. They had called me down, but when I got there they said they were waiting for one more person. I was anxious, looking around hoping that Xander wasn't going to come in. I crossed my arms and uncrossed them, not able to stand still. One of the secretaries told me that I could sit down, but I didn't want to. If I was going to have to run, I needed to be ready.

Finally, Tristan came down. He looked as confused as I felt, slinging his bag onto one shoulder. "What is this about?" He asked.

I shrugged, waiting for one of the secretaries to say something. The same one who told me to sit down spoke. "Tristan, your mom is outside waiting for you two." Before she could say anything else, the phone rang and she picked it up.

"Why is your mom here?"

"I have no idea."

Like the secretary said, there was a police car sitting right in front of the entrance. We walked down the steps and got into her car. Tristan sat in front and I got in the back.

"Mom, is everything good?" He asked.

"You'll see when we get back to the office."

She was acting weird, and for the whole car ride I was scared that we were going to get back and find that Xander had killed someone else. Or worse, that Xander would be waiting for us.

We pulled up to the station. A small part of me hoped that Rose was going to tell us something about my mother. That she was alive, that she hadn't been killed and I was going to be able to see her. But I knew that wasn't going to happen. She was gone.

The police had said nothing about my mom to me yet. Rose told me that there seemed to be something odd going on. She had tried getting some information about my mother, but no one on the case would give her a straight answer. She said it seemed weird that they wouldn't talk to me about it, what with me showing up so close to my mom's death. At first, I had been worried that they would think that I had done it, or that I was involved. I mean, technically I was involved, I guess. But Rose said they weren't going local about the death. It wasn't going to be in the news, and she doubted there would even be a funeral. She was going to do her best about everything she could, but she wasn't part of the police who were involved with The Facility. Things were being swept under the rug, talked about behind closed doors.

No one said anything as we walked through the station. A few of the officers stared at us. I'm sure most of them knew about my situation. I'm also sure that some of them were the ones who helped get me to The Facility. After seeing what was on social media, I was already angry. And walking through this station that most likely had the people who were working with Xander only increased this. The pills seemed to be able to decrease the sadness I was feeling, but it was doing nothing for my anger.

Rose led us to her office, and when she opened the door, I felt the smallest inkling of happiness. I wanted to give Evan the largest hug possible, but I let Tristan give him one first. As they hugged each other, my gaze drifted to the other boy sitting in the chair. If it wasn't for the boy's eye color, I would have thought it was Xander. Where Xander had piercing blue, almost grey eyes, this boy had two different colored eyes. One bright blue, and the other blue and brown. I recognized it as heterochromia. In biology class, during a unit on genes, we had briefly went over it.

Looking at him, memories of Xander flooded in, and I had to look away. Luckily, at that moment, Evan had come over to me. I gave him a long hug, not wanting to let go, but eventually the hug did end.

"I missed you so much." I muttered.

"Me too."

"I'm so sorry I left you."

Evan shook his head. "If you stayed, you would have gotten hurt, or worse. I was the one who pushed you out the door."

"I know, but-"

"Stop. You did nothing wrong" Evan hugged me again and turned to Nathaniel. "Tristan, Yvonne, this is Nathaniel. He escaped with me."

"Guess I'm sleeping on the couch." Tristan joked, but it also sounded slightly annoyed at the same time.

Ignoring his brother's joke, Evan looked at his mom. "Can we just go home?"

Rose nodded, and I could tell she was holding back tears. Tristan grabbed his bag off the chair he had set it on.

"Yeah, let's go home."

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