39. Yvonne Mcreary

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Elbridge was still scary to me. You'd think I'd be able to conquer such a fortress after The Facility, but it didn't seem to be the case.

Tristan and Kieran had offered to drive me, but I wanted to go with Damion and Lilith. Yes, Lilith had wanted to get the full teenager experience and high school was a pretty big part of that.

Rose had pulled some strings. The school had asked for files, but she had gone to someone in the government and asked them if they really want to be asking questions. The answer was no, and they somehow found a way to get Lilith into school without too much paperwork.

Lilith had gone back to being super happy. She must have thought that she had to be happy to help us be happy. I knew she was breaking down inside, but she was adamant about not talking about how she really felt.

Damion, Lilith, and I stood in front of Elbridge. "Three years since I've been here." Damion stared at the imposing building. "God, I hate this place."

"I don't...hate it." My biological dad, Anthony, always taught me that you should never say hate.

"I never taught you to hate. Hate is something that a parent should never teach their children." He said this all the time.

"I hate it." Damion repeated.

"It doesn't look too scary." Lilith chirped. "Besides, it can't be any worse than The Facility." Lilith ran up to the door. "Are you guys coming?"

"Come on." I pulled Damion along. "Let's get this over with."

There was no one in the hallway. The benefits of coming in late.

We walked into the office. The two secretaries looked at us as we walked into the door.

"Oh my stars." One of them said. "I thought it was some kind of rumor. But here you are.

Damion and Lilith, here are your schedules. Yvonne, do you remember yours?"

"Yes." I forced a smile.

"Oh good, we have all the same classes." Damion breathed a sigh of relief as he compared his and Lilith's schedules.

"Yvonne, are you going to be OK?" Lilith lightly touched my arm.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." I gave her the best smile I could.

Damion and Lilith left, and I went the opposite way. I tried to brace myself for the day.

I headed down the hall and entered my second period. When I opened the door, all eyes were on me. People were whispering.

"I thought she killed herself."

"I heard she faked her death and then killed her mom."

"She looks like she's been dead."

I went to my seat, ignoring everyone. Tiegan's eyes had been following me from when I walked into the classroom to when I sat at my seat. I knew what was coming next.

"Hello, vampire." I said nothing back. "Would you believe it if I told you that I missed you?"

I ignored him.

"Oh come on, don't give me the silent treatment. How are you not going to talk to me

after everything that happened between us?"

"Tiegan." The teacher caught our attention. "Leave Yvonne alone and do your work."

The teacher at the front of the classroom was not the same teacher from before. Instead of a tired looking man with grey hair, it was a young woman with fair skin and blonde, almost white, hair. She looked like she belonged in the school, not teaching at it. If she were wearing a uniform, I would have thought she was a student.

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