11. Yvonne Mcreary

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I was still avoiding The Executioner, or, Evan. I hadn't told Damion and Lilith about him asking me to work with him. Damion didn't seem like the most trusting type, and Lilith would start shaking every time I mentioned the staff.

I had started planning, trying to think of ways to get out of The Facility. However, without someone who had freedom to walk around and get to places I couldn't, it was a little hard. I only knew how to get to the rec room and the roof. The roof seemed like a good start, but there was still the problem of the spiked gate and the fact that a fall from that height would kill someone.

"Still pouring over those escape plans?" Veronica asked.

Veronica was a girl I had met in training. She was about a year older than me, and refused to hit me. Her reasoning? "You look like an eight year old. I don't hit children."

I quickly moved the plans out of her view. "It's nothing. I was just drawing."

"Drawing an escape plan?" She sat next to me and took the papers back. She ran her hands through her long red hair. "There's not much on here."

"Veronica, please keep your voice down! I don't want any of the staff hearing this!" I whispered. There were guards at the door, and even though they weren't close to us, they were close enough that they could hear Veronica's loud voice if they tried hard enough.

"It's not like they're going to kill you." She rolled her eyes. "Anyways, if you escape, I'm coming with you."

"I don't know if I am even going to escape. This place is locked tight, and the only way we'd be able to get out is if we had someone with a key card."

"Well, we sure as hell don't have one of those." Damion said, sitting across from us. "Yvonne, you don't even talk to The Executioner anymore, do you?"

I looked down. "No, I do not."

"Well, good riddance I say." Damion shook his head. "The Executioner is nothing but trouble."

"Damion, you're just saying that because you're scared of him." Veronica laughed.

"It's not funny, Veronica. You think the scars I have are from a friendly pat on the back?" Damion stood up and lifted his shirt up to show us the scars. "I don't trust that man, and I sure as hell don't consider him a friend." He sat back.

I stayed quiet for a moment. I knew about the whole punishment thing, but no one told me the severity of the punishments. I felt terrible for trying to sympathize with him.

"Veronica over here thinks everything is a joke." Damion said, glaring at her.

"I was just trying to lighten the mood, Damion. Not everything has to be depressing." Veronica scoffed. She stood up, brushing herself off. "I'm going back to the training room." She turned and walked out.

"I wish I could be as confident as her." I muttered. Damion groaned.

"The world only needs one Veronica." He held his hand out. "Can I see your plans?"

I handed him the paper. "It's really hard without Evan's help."


"The Executioner." I quickly said. "It's hard without The Executioners help."

Damion gave me an odd look, and went back to looking at the papers. "OK, so..."

"You can say they're terrible."

"I can tell you're an artist." He looked at the floor plan I had been working on. It was barely put together, as I barely knew the layout. I only knew how to get from my room to the rec room, and that was it. And since I wasn't talking to Evan, I didn't have someone who had been to many places in The Facility. I had Lilith, but she had spent a lot of time in the Containment Unit with her friend, Nathaniel.

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