22. The Executioner

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After Lilith showed up, Heath decided it was the best time to go over the plan. We couldn't find a good safe space to meet, so I allowed them all to come up to the roof. Heath and Marina got there first, then Yvonne and Lilith, and finally Damion and Veronica.

"Thanks for finally joining us." Heath said under his breath.

It felt nice, being outside. Grey clouds stopped the sun from shining too bright, but there was no rain or too cold of a breeze. Just a small whisper from the wind, rustling through the trees and breathing slightly cold air against my ear. Birds sat on the spikes below us, happily singing amongst themselves. I'm not going to be cliche and say something like "I wish I could have been as free as them" but the thought was definitely in my mind.

Heath laid out the plans in front of us. We all sat down in a circle around them on the concrete.

"So, this plan is quite complicated but I'm sure you all can figure this out." Heath assured us.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence." Damion muttered. Heath shot him an angry look, which made Damion look a lot less full of himself. "Sorry."

Heath turned away from him as he spoke, but still look at him from out the corner of his eye. "Anyways, all of us have an important part to play. Executioner-"


Heath stared at me. "What?"

"That's my name. Evan. I'd like for you to call me that."

"Oh." Heath sucked his teeth loudly. "Um, OK, Evan. You're going to be in Xander's office with Doctor Evelyn, pretty much just stalling him. When the guards come in, you're going to go check out the situation."

"Why would the guards come into his office?" I asked.

"If you'd let me keep talking, you would have found out. Yvonne, you're going to start on the roof. Do you know why you're going to be on the roof?"

"Oh god, you're not making me jump are you?" Yvonne said, but it sounded more like she was pleading. Heath laughed.

"No. You're going to set it on fire." He made it seem like setting it on fire was one of the most casual things you could do.

"Set it on fire? How?"

"Um, didn't Xander do that whole experiment on you?" Heath narrowed his eyes as if he was trying to remember.

"I mean, yes he did, but I don't have a good grasp-"

"OK well think of it this way. If you don't, you'll die. Do you have a good grasp now?" Heath smiled sweetly. Yvonne sank back.

"I'll find a way." She laughed nervously. Lilith held her hand comfortingly, which seemed to calm her down but not a lot. I turned away from them, focusing on Heath again. Heath sighed and continued, looking disappointed.

"You know, it didn't take me long to be able to control my powers well." Heath said, talking down to her. I didn't think it was possible for Yvonne to look even more defeated than she already did, but apparently I was wrong.

"Anyways, Lilith, you're pretty weak, so you really don't have to do anything. Just worry about sticking with Yvonne and staying out of sight." Heath blew past her part, talking fast like it didn't matter. Lilith opened her mouth to say something, and then shut it. Smart, Heath seemed like the only person he listened to was himself. "Damion, we've been talking since your little power outage and I think I know what you can do."

"Power outage?" Yvonne asked.

"Didn't you know? Damion here was born a Prodigial. I should have been able to tell, but maybe his powers only came in because he thought his friend was in trouble. How noble."

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