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Luna's P.O.V.
Well I guess I should introduce myself my name is Luna Blair Kremer and I am seventeen born on October 31, 2002 I know I was born on Halloween so cool right. I was dropped off at the orphanage when I was three days old and the caretaker is a royal bitch and doesn't take care of me like she should but I have gotten used to it after all of these years. I looked at the watch to see what time it was and saw it was 4:45 and shouted, "SHIT!" I only had 15 minutes to get to the orphanage before dinner and it's at least 30 minutes away from where I'm at. I was huffing and puffing when I ran in and saw it was 5:03 and I looked down at my feet knowing I didn't get dinner since I was late, so I dragged my feet up the stairs towards my "room" which is really just a really small, cramped storage closet and laid down onto the rock hard thing I called a bed and closed my eyes and rubbed my temples trying to relieve the migraine I had. I heard stomping on the stairs and immediately knew that the caretaker was coming and she wasn't happy at all. I grabbed my duffle bag and ran to the closest room and walking over to the window and hesitating before opening and climbing out closing it behind me and started running to the abandoned park I had been at previously I sat on the bench trying to catch my breath when I heard footsteps approaching me before a man with black hair and pale skin sat next to me who had an accent asked, "what are you doing out here all alone love?" I looked at him confused since no one cared before, "um I had a disagreement with my caretaker and I ran because she tends to be physical when she's angry." I looked down playing with my naturally ripped jeans, "when orphanage may I ask?" I looked at him again, "May's Orphanage for Girls." he nodded, "well I have to go love hope to see you again soon." he winked at me leaving. I laid down and used my duffle bag as a pillow and wrapped my jacket around me as a gust of wind sent a chill through my bones. I closed my eyes trying to will myself to sleep but that didn't work so I stared up at the stars and saw the sun rise after a couple of hours just staring at the sky and decided that I should head back to the orphanage.                                                            _______________________________________________I don't own any of the OUAT or Avengers character I only own my original character Luna

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