Chapter 25

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My car idled as I stared at the door wondering if I gave myself false hope and she was just messing with my head to get me to stay in town a little longer just so she can mess with my head as well. My phone buzzed and I looked at it and saw a message from Aunt Nat, “hey I’m at a diner how long till you get here?” I sighed and replied, “I’m tying some loose ends. I'll be there as soon as I can.” I left my phone in the car as I exited it and took a deep breath climbing the stairs I raised my hand and it hovered there for a moment and I closed my eyes striking the door three times and I took a step back twisting the rings on my hand I waited a moment and it seemed like no one was home so I returned to my car and drove to the diner meeting with Nat. I walked in and spotted her bright red hair in the corner. I quickly walked over and slid in the booth smiling at her, “hey.” I looked down picking at the nail polish on my fingernails. She smiled at me and side glanced at someone in a table close to us and she lowered her voice, “I think that guy over there likes you.” I side glanced and saw Jefferson and I stood from the table walking over to him and slid in the booth and asked in a serious voice, “do you remember?” he smiled, “like what the fun times that we had together and how Grace adored you like a mother.” I grabbed his face and kissed him pouring all the passion possible into it. He seemed like he was in shock, but after a moment he returned the passion I pulled away breathless smiling at him, “oh I missed you so much it was hell without you.” he pulled me into a hug and I reciprocated it then I frowned pulling away, “I’ll meet you back at your house there’s something I have to deal with.” he seemed confused but agreed nonetheless I walked over to Nat hugging her, “I’m sorry for bringing you here for no reason I’ll visit as soon as possible.” She kissed my forehead and smiled at me, “take your time, you're still healing no matter how much you try to hide it.” I nodded, sighing, “thanks for coming, it was nice seeing you.” I watched her walk out of the diner and I walked to the city hall and marched into Regina’s office, “you broke your promise you bitch!” she seemed confused, “what are you talking about?” I scowled, “you said that you would leave Jefferson and Grace alone you lied to me you manipulative bitch you only ever cared about yourself!” I was seeing red. I was pissed. I shook my head, “I’ll watch Henry, but I want nothing to do with you.” I stormed out of her office and bumped into Henry and he smiled at me and I crouched down, “hey Henry how’s it going?” he shrugged, “it could’ve been better the kids at school are being mean to Grace and I.” I narrowed my eyes, “how about I come with you and Grace tomorrow to drop you off and pick you guys up.” he nodded, smiling I ruffled his hair, “alright I gotta go kid I’ll see you in the morning.” I walked out of the city hall walking to Jefferson’s I knocked on the door and Grace answered with the biggest smile on her face, “LUNA!” she wrapped her arms around my waist and I smiled hugging her back, “ugh I missed you squirt.” I nudged her inside and saw Jefferson in the kitchen, “how about you go start on your homework and I’ll be there in a little bit and help you.” she nodded running off to the living room I walked over to Jefferson hugging him from behind, “so I have a serious question for you and I want a serious answer.” he turned looking me into my eyes and I asked, “my family wants to me you and Grace would you be willing to do that.” he smiled nodding, “I would love to meet your family.” I smiled, “alright we’ll go after dinner.” he nodded looking at the clock and taking notice that was in about an hour so I walked over to Grace and started helping her in math. After twenty minutes we stopped and gathered in the dining room eating after we finished I looked at Grace, “so we’re gonna meet my family are you ready.” she giggled, nodding. I grabbed their hands and transported myself into the Avenger’s Tower in my old room and I crashed onto my bed, “welcome to my room.”

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