Chapter 33

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I stared at my ceiling attempting to loll myself to sleep. I tried everything, but my mind wouldn't stop racing. I looked at Jefferson who seemed to be peacefully sleeping. I looked down at my ring twisting it and my brow furrowed as my phone started buzzing signaling someone was calling me. I looked at the time realized it was three in the morning I grabbed my phone and it was an unknown number I stepped out into closing the door behind me and answered in a whispered tone, "hello?" Sam's voice rang out, "Luna you have to flee Dean left when I fell asleep I can only assume to hunt you down." My face realizing I had to leave when I had only just returned I sighed, "thank you Sam." I hung up without another word and headed to the common room pacing slightly. I rubbed my face sniffling, "F.R.I.D.A.Y. can you wake everyone except for Grace and Wanda and tell them to report to the common area it's important." There was no reply from the AI. I sat on the closest couch and bounced my leg up and down and I heard Bucky's voice first, "Luna what's wrong doll?" I looked up and saw everyone huddled near the doorway Stark look annoyed, "What tin man means is what the hell is so important that you had to tell us three in the morning." Tears welled up and my voice shook, "you need to get to a safe house and I have to leave I don't know where to but-" my voice cut off as a tear rolled down my face and Jefferson stepped forward pulling me into a hug and I sobbed into his shoulder, "I don't want any of you getting hurt." Suddenly there was a loud bang and I shoved Jefferson off of me, "go get Grace and Wanda immediately." I pushed him into the direction of their rooms and I ran off towards the sound of the bang. I rounded the corner and came face to face with Dean and I backed up slowly, "Dean we can talk about this." my breath hitched when I saw the sheen of an angel blade and he gritted his teeth, "you're a monster was what any of the information that you told Sam and I true?" tears welled up in my eyes, "I didn't learn what I truly was until Cas told me and I didn't know I had powers until I was sixteen." Dean swung the blade at me and I screamed as it sliced my arm open revealing a blue hue to it causing my eyes to widen, but I quickly ran the opposite direction of Dean back to the common room and I saw everyone sitting on the couches Wanda stood to talk, but I interrupted her, "okay I need you guys to hold hands or make some kind of physical contact." Stark rolled his eyes, but complied with everyone else I heard footsteps behind me and I rushed to spin around and side step just as Dean brought down the angel blade so he only hit my arm I hissed as the blade made contact and I swung my hand making him fly across the room I put my hands on Wanda's head, "Storybrooke." when I opened my eyes everyone was gone I felt a searing pain in my stomach and I looked down to see the tip of the angel blade pierced through me. I realized that Dean didn't know about Storybrooke and that it wasn't mapped so I would be safe there he stumbled as he attempted to walk over to me but I closed my eyes and pictured Jefferson's mansion, but when I opened my eyes I saw the sign of Storybrooke I stumbled past the city limits, but collapsed and so I called out, "Gabriel I kinda need your help right now." I heard his voice behind me, "I thought you could figure it out on your own sweetcheeks." I groaned in pain, "yeah well now I'm saying I need your help so can you please teach me that magical healing trick you pulled so that I don't fucking die." he sighed he took my hand and placed it on my stomach, "think about the wound closing and healing." I closed my eyes doing as he said and I felt the skin slowly starting to mend back together then I did the same thing with my arms at first there was a burning sensation but it went away just as fast as it came. I looked up at Gabriel smiling, "thank you." he nodded and disappeared. I stood slowly making the journey to Jefferson's mansion.

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