Chapter 16

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I groaned as the light flooded into my eyes I looked around and saw everyone sleeping in uncomfortable chairs that are provided. I saw a notepad next to the bed so I ripped off a sheet of paper and crumpled it up throw it at my dad he shot up, “ugh what!” his shouting caused the others to stir as well I sat up and hissed at the pain coursing through my skull, “what happened it feels like I was hit by a bus.” they chuckled, “You were overworking your body and you passed out from stress.” Wanda announced after a moment I nodded, “makes sense with everything that has been happening lately.” I chewed on my lip thinking before sending Wanda a message I was supposed to start teaching Grace today I promised I hated breaking promises Try and send Jefferson a message I’m sure he’ll understand I shook my head mentally I’ll try but I don’t know if he’ll receive the message. I had a sudden thought pop into my brain can you distract the others I’m gonna write a message and then transport it to him she nodded mentioning about how they should get some food and they nodded agreeing with her and headed out the door and I sent her a grateful look I picked up the notepad and started writing “I’m sorry I can’t make it to Grace’s session today I’m currently in the infirmary and on bedrest unfortunately also make sure to change your bandages and ask Grace for help if you can’t do it yourself.” I focused and sent the letter to Jefferson and hoped that it actually made it to him. I realized I had to tell the others that I had powers since they only knew about my empathy, telekinesis, and super strength/speed I also need to talk to someone about these dreams I’ve been having I was staring into space until a container of food was set in front of me and I grabbed it scarfing it down considering I had missed breakfast I don’t eat school lunch and I passed out before I could get to dinner everyone was staring at me in shock, “what I’m hungry.” I spoke with a full mouth causing everyone to laugh I quickly finished the food and started talking seriously, “so I have to tell y’all something.” a concerned look crossed all of their faces other than Wanda’s since she already knew I was gonna admit, “I figured I have another power and it is dimension travel.” Everyone looked confused other than Wanda, Tony and Bruce. Steve stepped forward asking, “and what exactly is that?” I sighed, “I can transport myself, others, and items to other realms like say I wanted to go to Asgard I could.” he nodded then Tony asked, “how did you exactly figure this out.” I shrugged, “by accident, I may have accidentally transported myself to the Enchanted Forest and met Jefferson A.K.A. the Mad Hatter and his daughter who I am now teaching.” once again they looked shocked suddenly I felt another shot of pain go through my skull causing my to grab my head groaning my dad rushed over to me, “sweetheart what’s wrong?” tears started streaming down my face, “it hurts make it stop.” I sobbed Wanda stepped forward and tried entering my mind using her magic but she stumbled back gasping, “something dark has entered her mind and it’s extremely powerful.” darkness took over my vision and I saw a women standing there, “it’s so nice to finally meet you Luna I am Regina better known as the Evil Queen.” 

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