Chapter 30

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I woke up with my cheek stinging and I noticed her standing above me. I tugged on my wrists but realised I was bound to a chair and I sighed, “great you captured me now what?” she let out a dark chuckle, “simple torture you until you break.” I furrowed my brows, “why, why are you doing this?” she stared at me like I was stupid, “simple you were caught with the Winchester boys you’re leaverage.” I threw my head back groaning. She walked out of the room I struggled for a moment before I realized this place wasn’t warded, “Cas I kinda need your help.” The moment later he appeared in front of me and looked around, “what are you doing here?” I looked at him, “I was kidnapped an-” I stopped hearing footsteps, “shit she’s coming Cas I’ll call you when it’s safe to come back.” he attempted to argue when the knob to the room turned he sighed in frustration and disappeared the door flung open and she rolled in a cart of torture devices and she picked up and knife, “hmmm I wonder how much this would hurt?” I bit my lip, “can you at least tell me your name before you torture me since you know mine.” she sighed, “sure my name is Mia.” she poured something onto the blade and then dragged in down my arm leaving me to scream as it felt like fire rushed into my veins, “oooh does Sam and Dean know you’re supernatural?” panic rushed through my body at her intentions, “no they don’t.” She brought the blade to my face applying pressure. I bit my lip attempting to keep in the scream that threatened to leave my lips once she stopped. I chuckled, “I hope you know it’s gonna take a lot more than that to get me to break.” she slapped me and said, “do not speak unless spoken to.” I spit in her face, “screw you bitch.” she wiped her face and slammed the blade into my thigh and stormed out the room. I let out whimpers and pulled on the duct tape bounding my wrists together. She came back in with another chair, “alright here’s what we’re going to do I’m going to ask a question and then you’ll answer got it?” I said, “yeah, wait how did you know I was supernatural?” she chuckled looking me up, “you don’t know do you?” I was confused, “poor Cas didn’t tell his little damsel in distress that she was part angel.” I shook my head, “no no no that’s not possible both my parents were human.” I was in denial, “really then how come you were in foster care up until the Avenger’s adopted you?” I panicked as my breathing picked up, “NO IT’S NOT POSSIBLE!” she flew across the room and she chuckled, “so how do you have powers if both your parents are just ordinary people?” a tear slid down my face she sat back down, “alright first question how do you know the Winchesters?” I pursed my lips and sighed, “I met them when I was twelve and I was taken by a vampire nest.” she nodded, “what’s your connection with them?” I looked down, “I look at them like they’re my older brothers.” there was a bang above us and then I heard Dean, “LUNA YOU HERE?!” she gave me a look that said I move or say anything she’ll kill me. I swallowed and screamed. She slapped me and hit me over the head with something. I woke up strapped to a bed with only my undergarments on and Mia walked back into the room, “I warned you.” she took another knife and doused it in the same liquid as before and sliced across my stomach, “CAS PLEASE!” she stopped, “aww that’s adorable I didn’t make the same mistake this time I warded the entire place.” I slammed my head back screaming in annoyance.she resumed dragging the blood on my stomach and chest. I was starting to get dizzy as I started to lose more and more blood. I heard the door cave in and a deep unknown voice growl, “what did I say if I caught you above ground?” she looked terrified, “Crowley I-I-I’m so so sorry I just needed some fun.” this Crowley person seemed to get pissed at that, “SO YOU GO AFTER THE WINCHESTER GIRL ARE YOU STUPID?!” he flung his hand towards my restraints and they flew off, “I’m sorry sweetheart for anything she did.” he dragged a blade into the wall and he grabbed Mia’s wrist disappearing in a red cloud of smoke, “Cas please I need you.” he appeared next to me and grabbed me teleporting back to the hotel room where Sam and Dean rushed over to me.

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