Chapter 44

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I stood above the bed staring down at my form that appeared to be sleeping. I jumped when I heard a feminine voice behind me, “I’ve seen you with Jefferson y’know.” I spun around and saw a woman with long flowy dark brown hair with greenish eyes wearing clothes similar to what I would wear when I was in the enchanted forest I tilted my head, “you’re Priscilla Jefferson’s first wife.” it was a statement not a question to which she nodded, “I am and I see how much you care for one another it’s sweet you guys are adorable together.” she looked lost as she stared at Jefferson’s form holding our son, “I am supposed to collect you and take you to heaven, but I am gonna give you a choice because I really don’t want to see Jefferson fall apart like when I died.” I nodded as I absorbed the information she was telling me, “you can stay and live your life with Jefferson and everyone through heartbreak and everything else or you can finally let the stress wash away and be happy by coming to heaven.” tears welled up, “I want to be happy with no stress and no heartbreak.” she stretched her hand out to me, “but I am happy with Jefferson and he is worth every ounce of stress and heartbreak and no matter what happens he will always be by my side to help me through it so I want to stay.” she sighed, “please take care of him and don’t let your insecurities get in the way of your guys’ love promise me that you’ll never leave him.” I nodded, “I promise Priscilla I would never leave him just the thought of that pains me.” she kissed my forehead, “very well then it was wonderful to meet you Luna give Jefferson my best wishes.” I smiled at her, “ditto and I will.” she held up a finger, “by the way that was me that showed you the images of Jefferson holding your son I wanted to show you a glimpse of what happened if you chose the other option.” she held her fingers on my forehead I gasped as my eyes opened and my heart was racing. I looked up at Jefferson, “I love you so so so much Jefferson don’t ever forget that.” he nodded, “I won’t you’re mine forever no matter what happens.” Grace ran in and squealed when she saw the baby wrapped up, “oh my gosh I get a little brother.” I nodded, “you wanna hold him baby?” she nodded faster than I’ve ever seen and Jefferson gently sent him in her arms and showed her how to support his head, “hi bubba I’m your big sister Grace I am gonna teach you so many things and I’ll protect you with my life.” I teared up but quickly grabbed my phone from the nightstand and snapped a few pictures of the moment, “look at our two babies.” I whispered into Jefferson’s ear, “I am so glad I got to meet you and Grace.” I laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes sighing in bliss, “I met Priscilla I understand why you loved her.” he froze, “she wishes you the best and she said that we’re adorable together which is kinda weird hearing from your first wife just saying.” he smiled, “she was the sweetest I was completely devastated when she died, but then you came along and it was like when I met her for the first time I felt like there were butterflies in my stomach as I admired your beauty.” I scrunched my eyebrows, “you never told me how you knew I had powers by the way.” he chuckled, “it was a little obvious love the way that you claimed I looked like one of your friends from the real world and said you were dreaming.” I shook my head, “it might have seemed weird to everyone else, but I was previously a portal jumper so I kinda put two and two together.” I nodded a basket appeared on the dresser making my eyebrows jump up before I saw the obscene amounts of candy making me chuckled as Jefferson stood and grabbed the note handing it to me congrats sugar sorry I couldn’t be there in person hope this makes up for it I grinned and maked a grabbing motion for the basket making Jefferson laugh, “I’m guessing you want the basket.” I nodded eagerly, “there’s candy gimme gimme gimme.” I snatched the basket and immediately started eating a chocolate bar before pushing the basket towards Jefferson who picked out a lollipop and slowly sucking on it waggling his eyebrows at me the entire time making me slap his shoulder and whisper hiss at him, “there are children in the room behave!” he rolled his eyes giggling like a two year old and kissed me, “mm you taste like chocolate.” I giggled and took another bite from the bar smiling at him, “I think we’re gonna be alright.” 

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