Chapter 13

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Grace and I played in the woods for about two hours then I bent down to her level, "alright let's go see if your dad's awake that way I can take to him sound like a plan?" she nodded giggling I grabbed her hand and we took off running to Jefferson's cabin. I opened the door and saw Jefferson walking down the stairs rubbing the tiredness out of his eyes, "well good morning sleeping beauty." I giggled and he let out a soft chuckle, "good morning to you too." I went over and checked his stitches, "I'll clean it one more time just to prevent infection." he nodded I took off the bandages and put the peroxide on his wound biting my lip when I heard him groan in pain I quickly finished and grabbed the bandages, "so Grace wants to go to school I was thinking that I could take her to my land and have her taught there since it's free, or I can teach her myself." his face scrunched then he said, "I would rather you teach her I trust you." I nodded taping the bandages in place, "alright well I should head back I'll be back sooner than you know." I kissed his cheek and I closed my eyes imagining my room and when I got there I covered my face groaning, "why did I do that." my face was bright red thinking about it. I was still in my work out attire so I headed back down to the gym to train whether it was with Aunt Nat or just solo training I didn't see her when I got down there so I did some simple stretches and then Bucky entered the gym and I jogged over to him, "can you train me now please?" I gave him puppy dog eyes and he smiled, "how can I say no to say face." I chuckled and ran over to the ring sitting on the ropes, "c'mon Barnes I wanna kick your ass." he chuckled, "I don't know about that." I tilted my head and scanned him looking for weaknesses I stood up standing face to face with Bucky. He threw a punch and I grabbed his fist blocking the shot and threw one of my own which connected and he looked at me shocked, "don't go easy on me Barnes cause I'm not going easy on you." I smirked, "alright I won't." he leg swept me and pinned my arms which made me quickly flip us and I put him in an arm lock which he broke rather easily. He punched me in the jaw with his metal arm and I wasn't quick enough to grab his arm I stumbled and tasted blood as I ran my tongue over my cheek where I bit into it when he punched me. He looked guilty and opened his mouth to apologize, "it's fine I knew what I was signing up for when I asked to spar with you Buck." he sighed, "but still I shouldn't have done that." I shrugged and continued to spar with him soon Steve walked in and stopped us, "alright you two go to the infirmary." we looked like little kids that got scolded as we headed to the infirmary I got five stitches in my cheek and other than that we were fine I hugged Bucky and headed back to my room and thought about Jefferson and soon I was back in Wonderland.

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