Chapter 32

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I ran my hands through my hair pacing trying to figure out what to do because I can't go back to the bunker Dean would kill me and I can't return home just yet I wasn't ready to face everyone. I remembered Missouri so I closed my eyes and pictured her shop. I walked over to the door that I saw the closed sign swinging so I knew it had recently been flipped. I gingerly knocked on the glass door. I heard a faint sigh and a yell, "we're closed come back tomorrow!" I chewed on my lip, "Missouri it's Luna I need your help." the curtain moved an inch and she yelled, "how do I know you're actually Luna?!" I pulled out a silver blade and slid it across my upper forearm and then I grabbed a flask filled with holy water laced with salt. I took a swig and grimaced at the nasty taste, "ugh I forgot how bad that was." she opened the door and moved to the side allowing me in then closed it immediately locking it and she looked me up and down, "you sure have grown." I nodded, "yeah and I developed a lot and life has changed a lot like how Dean wants to kill me." her eyes widened, "now why do you believe that." I flashed my eyes and she gasped, "those are some unique eyes so what are you?" she looked me up and down, "I'm supposed to be a nephilim." suddenly a familiar voice filled my ears, "babe I need you to hear me I don't know if it works like this but if you can hear me I love you and Grace is worried sick and I don't know what to tell her and your family is falling apart without you." tears filled my eyes and one fell and Missouri's face contorted in worry, "hun what's wrong." I ran a hand through my hair, "I'm so selfish I left without thinking how anyone else feels." she pulled me into a hug, "let me tell you what spill your feelings out and then go home to your family." I nodded and started telling her about my life.

*Two Hours Later*

I felt like a weight had lifted from my shoulders and I thought about my room in the Avenger's tower and I appeared and saw Jefferson laying on my bed with his back to me. I sighed and sat at the foot of the bed putting my hands over my face, "I'm so sorry Jefferson I just left without thinking how any of you guys felt I just needed a break and that turned out to be a mistake." I felt him crouch in front of me slowly removing my hands, "hey look at me we all make mistakes it's fine I forgive you and what do you mean you made it worse?" I took a deep breath, "turns out I'm a nephilim part angel part human and now a past friend wants me dead." I sighed as I looked at my hair and made a random thought out loud, "you wanna help me dye my hair?" he looked confused and realized that he didn't know what I meant, "I mean color my hair." he nodded, "sure that seems fun." I thought about the colors that I wanted and they appeared in my hand and I chuckled, "I think I could get used to this." I changed into an old shirt and headed into the bathroom. My hair was already blonde so I didn't need to bleach it. I showed Jefferson a picture of what I wanted my hair to look like and he stared at it and started to apply colors to the areas that it was needed. I let it sit for thirty minutes like the boxed suggested then washed it out watching the colors wash down the drain. I wrapped my hair in a towel. I decided to let it air dry so I could have my natural curls. When I looked in the mirror I smiled at the result I ran a hand through it, "Jefferson do you like it?" he came up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek, "I think you look amazing no matter what." I blushed and turned to look at him when I did that he kissed me and I heard Grace, "ugh get a room." I broke away laughing after a moment I composed myself, "hey squirt I missed you." I grabbed her into a hug and when I turned to look at Jefferson and he was down on one knee with a beautiful ring, "I know this might be a little soon and before you say anything I want you to let you know I asked your dad already and he gave me his blessing so I love you and you make it easy to smile even on the worst days I haven't seen Grace so happy before you make a wonderful mother and I want this for eternity will you marry me?" tears flowed down my cheeks freely, "oh Jefferson yes a million times yes." I kissed him pouring as much passion as I could into the kiss.

************************************************************************The bottom right side is Luna's normal eye color and the top left is when she taps into her powers or loses control of her emotions and the hair is after is got dyed and the ring is her engagement ring

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