Chapter 47

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I sighed as I exited the nursery running a hand through my hair as I walked down the stairs and I saw everyone crowded in the living room and I pointed at Loki, “so we understand you’ll be called dad.” I pointed at Steve, “you’ll be called tătic which means dad or papa in Romanian.” they nodded and I sat down leaning against Jefferson stifling a yawn making everyone chuckle, “y’all are laughing but you won’t be once he starts crying in the middle of the night hindering everyone’s sleep schedule.” I noticed Grace wasn’t anywhere to be seen, “is Grace still sleeping?” Jefferson nodded, “more than likely.” I stood, “I’ll go check on her.” I knocked on her door just in case I got a muffled groan in return raising my concern as my motherly instinct kicked in, “Grace dragă are you okay?” I heard what sounded like a muffle sob. I opened the door revealing Grace with a sheet of sweat on her skin, “I don’t feel good mama.” I smiled sympathetically at her, “what’s wrong in specific.” she sniffled, “my tummy hurts and it feels like my skin is burning.” I placed my wrist onto her forehead grimacing when I felt how much heat was radiating off of her, “oh sweetheart how about I get you some soup.” I went to stand but she grabbed my arm, “don’t leave me.” I cradled her into my side running my hand through her hair, “alright dragă I’m right here.” I grabbed my phone sending Jefferson a message, “hey Grace seems to be sick can you bring up a bowl of soup for her to eat please.” I heard footsteps coming up the stairs a few moments later and the door nudged open revealing Jefferson he cooed, “oh sweetheart how are you feeling?” she groaned, “I feel awful papa.” I grabbed the bowl from him helping Grace sit up and slowly fed her sip by sip she finished and curled back into my side, “what about my lessons.” I sighed, “we can take a break from them until you feel better dragă. She whimpered as she shivered. I grabbed the blanket and pulled it above usJefferson kissed her forehead, “let mama know if you need anything so she can tell me alright?” she nodded as she yawned he kissed me making Grace crinkle her nose, “gross.” she mumbled, “oh you say that now but one day you’ll find a boy that makes you feel butterflies in your tummy when you are together.” her face fell, “what if I wanted it to be a girl?” I smiled, “whatever makes you happy dragă whether it be a girl or boy it doesn’t matter as long as you love them.” she yawned again making me smile, “get some rest I’ll be right here when you wake up.” She allowed her eyes to flutter shut asked, "can you sing to me?" I smiled and quietly started to sing

They say don't let them in
Close your eyes and clear your thoughts again
But when I'm all alone, they show up on their own
'Cause inner demons fight their battles with fire
Inner demons don't play by the rules
They say "Just push them down, just fight them harder
Why would you give up on it so soon?"

So angels, angels please just keep on fighting
Angels don't give up on me today
'Cause the demons they are there, they just keep biting
'Cause inner demons just won't go away
So angels please, hear my prayer
Life is pain, life's not fair
So angels please, please stay here
Take the pain, take the fear

They say it won't be hard, they can't see the battles in my heart
But when I turn away
The demons seem to stay
'Cause inner demons don't play well with angels
They cheat and lie and steal and break and bruise
Angels please protect me from these rebels
This is a battle I don't want to lose

So angels, angels please just keep on fighting
Angels don't give up on me today
'Cause the demons they are there, they just keep biting
'Cause inner demons just won't go away

So angels, angels please keep on fighting
Angels don't give up on me today
'Cause the demons they are there, they just keep biting
'Cause inner demons just won't go away

So angels please, hear my prayer
Life is pain, life's not fair
So angels please, please stay here
Take the pain, take the fear

I listened as her breathing evened out and I allowed my muscles to relax as I shut my eyes allowing darkness to take over me. 

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