Chapter 43

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I slumped against a tree and slid down it ignoring the bark leaving scrapes against my skin, "Castiel I need you please." I was mad at him, but I needed his comfort more from behind me his gravelly voice boomed, "Luna what happened? Are you okay?" I threw myself into his arms, "I'm pregnant Cas and I don't want to leave Jefferson like his previous wife did, please there had to be some way to prevent my death." his eyes widened, "what are you talking about Luna you wouldn't die completely your human side might die, but the angel part of you would keep you alive." I shook my head, "I finished cooking and a hot pain ran through my head and images flashed through my head and Jefferson was holding a baby and said that I was a wonderful person and that he would miss me." another tear fell and Castiel ran a hand across my lower back, "I promise you won't die I will do anything in my power to prevent it." I nodded and sighed, "I have to go back, but I don't think I'll be able to face Jefferson by the way you can't tell Dean where I am he'll kill me." A sharp pain ran through my abdomen and I collapsed to the ground again gritting my teeth together to prevent myself from letting out a scream, "fuck Castiel I think something is wrong." he set his hand on my abdomen, "no your baby is coming." I shook my head, "no no no that can't be possible it's only been a month and a half." (I'm skipping around sorry for any confusion) I held my stomach that looked like I was eight months pregnant, "this can't be happening Cas what happens if I don't survive?" he ran a hand through my hair, "let's not talk about that right now let's get you home and deliver this baby." we appeared in front of the mansion and my knees gave out as another flash of white pain ran through my abdomen before there was a rush of water and my eyes widened, "Cas my water just broke." he picked me up and rushed into the mansion I directed him to Jefferson and I's room ignoring all the stares I was getting from everyone and Jefferson rushed to my side and grabbed my hand once Cas laid me down, "what's happening love." I weakly smiled at him, "I hope you're ready to be a father." I squeezed his hand once another contraction hit me. I took a deep breath as tears welled up into my eyes, "I love you so much." I kissed him he pulled away and wiped the tears that fell and Cas lifted my legs pulling my pants, "Luna this is going much faster than planned I need you to push cause the baby is crowning." I squeezed Jefferson's hand as I pushed I sobbed as the pain felt overwhelming, "you're doing so well my love." he kissed my forehead and I smiled and pushed again and more tears fell as the sound of a baby crying filled the air and after one last push Castiel grabbed towels that I hadn't seen before and wrapped up the baby handing it to me, "I'll go get someone to call an ambulance so you can get transferred to the hospital by the way congratulations it's a boy." I nodded and grinned, "thank you so much Castiel." I looked over at Jefferson, "so what are we gonna name him I mean obviously he takes my last name since you don't have one." I tilted my head, "how did I only just realize that you and Grace don't have last names." he chuckled, "I don't know my love how about we think about it a little more?" I smiled and nodded, "okay." I leaned into his chest taking in his scent. I pulled away and lifted our son, "would you like to hold our son?" he lit up and gently took him from my arms and talked to him, "hey I'm your papa and that's your mama and you'll meet your big sister soon." I closed my eyes and let myself relax opening my eyes when I heard the door open and revealed a person in scrubs, "hi my name is Emerson I'm here to make sure there were no complications during birth." I nodded and she lifted both my legs at a ninety degree angle (I'm just winging it if you can't tell I have absolutely no clue what would happen.) she made a clicking sound with her tongue and said, "the only problem is that it seems like you're bleeding a little more than usual, but I can easily fix that with stitches you would like to be numbed for that." I nodded, "yes please." she chuckled, "okay this will take about ten minutes and then I'll be out of your hair congratulations by the way on becoming parents." my smile brightened as I looked up at Jefferson who stared at our son with nothing but love. I looked back down at the nurse and she was packing up, "alright we're all finished good luck." she left and I sighed, "Jefferson sit down please I need to tell you something." his eyebrows furrowed with worry as he sat on the bed next to me, "what is it love?" I sighed, "I had a flash of images flash through my head which is the initial reason I left it was you saying that I was a wonderful person and you'll miss me, but everyone keeps telling me I'll be fine." I paused, "my human side might die which will leave me unconscious so please don't panic if I lose all consciousness because in the end I think I'll be fine." I felt exhausted as I finished the sentence and he nodded kissing me, "I love you no matter what." I nodded, "I love you too from dusk till dawn until the end of the line." I closed my eyes and let darkness wash over me.

************************************************************************I'm sorry if this absolutely sucks I don't know what to name the baby give some suggestions...💙

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