Chapter 36

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I parked in the garage area and walked in locking the door behind me I entered the living room and saw everyone looking at me and I sighed sitting on the piano bench, "okay I know you all have your questions so ask away." everyone looks at one another until a voice comes from the doorway, "why did you leave in the first place." I looked up to see Wanda I looked down, "because I was hurt and stressed and I didn't want to take it out on you guys so I thought I would go and catch up with some friends which turned out to be a very bad idea." Bucky asked next, "who are these friends of yours?" I looked up, "Sam and Dean Winchester they saved me from a vampire nest when I was younger before I knew about any of my powers." Sam asked next, "what happened to the truck?" I was quiet for a moment, "I was helping a girl and she turned out to be possessed so she slammed my head into the window and rendered me unconscious and the car ended in a ditch." he nodded and then my dad spoke up, "why is your supposed friend hunting you?" I frowned, "because I'm a nephilim part human part angel I am one of the strongest beings to ever exist." he looked shocked but nodded my phone buzzed. I read the number not recognizing it. I answered, "hello?" there was silence on the other end for a moment before I heard, "hi is this Miss. Laufeyson?" I cleared my throat, "yes this is she may I ask who I am speaking to?" she sighed, "this is Miss. Matthews from Grace's school it seems there was an incident that involved her I was wondering if you would be able to come in." I looked up at Jefferson, "I'll be there with her father as soon as possible." I went to hang up before she said, "this is rather sensitive nature she would rather her father not be here." I rubbed my forehead sighing, "alright I'll be there in ten minutes max." I hung up standing, "I'll be back turns out there was an incident at the school." I muttered under my breath and Jefferson stood, "she doesn't want you to worry so do not bring this up to her unless she brings it up to you first kids are being mean to her and Henry so that is why I took them to school today and it seems that they picking on her again and so now I have to go and talk to the principal so I will be back soon." I kissed him and headed to the car sighing in frustration before he could say anything. I parked in front of the school and climbed out of the car hitting the buzzer on the door. I was greeted by an older man's voice, "may I help you?" I cleared my throat, "I was called to have a meeting with Miss. Matthews." the door clicked signaling that it had been unlocked I pulled it open and walked into the office an older woman smiled at me and shook my hand, "hi I'm Miss. Matthews the person who called you." I nodded, "can I ask what happened?" she sighed, "they were on the playground and they apparently pushed Grace which caused her to get some scrapes and she retaliated by pushing the girl who originally pushed her." I raised a brow, "is the other girl going to get punished?" she shook her head, "her mother is well known around here and would throw a fit if she found out her daughter was in trouble." I was fuming, "so let me get this straight you are punishing Grace for defending herself but not the girl that attacked her." she nodded, "you don't have to worry about Grace returning to this school ever again." Grace walked into the office with her bag and I grabbed her hand noticing she was hiding her face. I moved her hair back and gasped when I noticed she had a split lip and a black eye starting to form I held back a growl as I looked up at the principal, "I thought you said she only obtained minor scrapes." she shrugged making red flash through my vision, "I think we're done here." I pulled Grace and walked out to the car slamming the driver's side door in anger and Grace shook in the passenger side, "are you mad at me?" I shook my head, "oh no sweetie I would never be mad at you for defending yourself I'm mad that they aren't punishing the girl who did this to you." she shook her head, "it wasn't a girl who hit me a girl pushed me though." my eyes widened as she revealed her scraped hands and knees causing me to shake my head, "a boy did this?!" she nodded timidly, "oh sweetheart I didn't realize it was this bad just know that you're never coming here again if I have to say anything about it." she nodded, "I have to talk about this to my dad don't I?" I nodded, "sweetie he's worried and he has every right to be and from now on I am going to be your teacher again." she squealed in excitement hugging me the best she could, "I love you." I smiled, "I love you too Grace." I buckled my seatbelt and sped off to the mansion. I looked over to see Grace asleep I sighed walking over to her side and picked her up laying her head on my shoulder covering her face with some of her hair. When I walked in everyone surrounded me but I pushed them back, "she's fine she just fell asleep." Jefferson's eyes lingered, "you can talk to her when she wakes up she needs this trust me." he nodded and I walked up the stairs and nudged her bedroom door open with my foot laying her down in the bed I kissed her forehead, "I love you my little ray of sunshine." she grabbed my wrist and sleepily mumbled, "stay please?" I nodded scooting her over slightly and laid next to her laying my chin on top of her head as she laid on my chest I closed my eyes letting myself drift off.

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