Chapter 20

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I was doing my normal work cleaning the queen’s clothes, ironing them, etc. I was finishing up when a purple smoke entered the room and enveloped me it filled my lungs making it hard to breath after a moment my vision blacked out and when it returned I was in the middle of a road. I looked around puzzled and saw a couple of shops and a school I walked over to the sidewalk I guess I looked dazed because a woman approached, “excuse me are you alright?” I looked at her puzzled, “yeah I’m fine I think.” she stuck her hand out, “I’m Mary Margeret.” I shook her hand, “I’m Luna.” she smiled, “are you new to Storybrooke?” I wrinkled my eyebrows in confusion but decided to play along, “um yeah I was informed that someone I know lives here.” she raised an eyebrow, “oh yeah who’s that I might be able to point you in the right direction.” I chewed my lip, “um his name is Jefferson and he has a daughter named Grace.” she paused for a moment sighing, “yes I know him and his daughter she goes to the school I teach at she seems very troubled as well as her father but if you follow this road for about a mile he lives in a mansion that is isolated.” I nodded, “thank you Mary Margeret.” I turned following the road as she said and after about a mile there was a mansion in the middle of the woods I took a breath and walked up the steps knocking on the door. I waited for a minute then decided that no one was home but just as I turned to leave the door opened and I saw Jefferson, “hi can I help you?” I sighed, “Jefferson thank god you’re okay.” I stepped forward but he looked confused, “do I know you.” I froze where I was, “Jefferson please say you’re joking around.” he shook his head, “I’m sorry ma’am I don’t know who you are, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave.” and with that, he shut the door in my face. I walked down the stairs tears threatening to fall since I was back in the real world, I decided to try and teleport to the Avenger’s Tower but a surge of purple energy stopped me from leaving I headed back into town and walked to a nearby pay phone and dialed a number I learned by heart and I heard her voice, “Aunt Nat thank god you picked up I need help.” she sounded confused, “Luna what’s wrong why haven’t we heard from you in months?” I sighed, “I can explain all that once you get here but I’m in Storybrooke main please come and get me.” with that I hung up the phone, hoping she came to get me

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