Chapter 18

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                                                                                                           *3 months later*

I was dressed in my graduation gown happy that I no longer had to return to the place that caused so much misery for me I rushed over to the people I now call family and realized that Wanda was missing from the group but Loki pulled me into a hug whispering in my ear, “I’m proud of you sweetheart.” I smiled contently then pulled away asking, “where’s Wanda.” all of there face dropped causing me to get worried, “what, what happened what’s wrong?” I rushed out panicking trying to rationalize what could have happened hoping nothing bad happened, “she forgot today was your graduation and is out on a date with someone.” tears pricked my eyes as Tony finished speaking and soon I hear him grunt and I realized that Aunt Nat had punched his arm, “no Aunt Nat I’m glad he told me where are they at?.” he sighed, “you don’t wanna do this kid.” I shook my head, “no Tony I do I wanna know why she lied about loving me I wanna confront her.” Bruce stepped forward, “she’s at the cafe on 23rd street.”  Nat growled, “what am I gonna do with you two?” I stormed away from them and to the location Bruce just told me I ripped off my gown and teleported to my room speeding my walking up to a jog as I sped towards the cafe I bit my lip and tears flowed down my cheeks as I saw Wanda with a random guy, “why would you think she loved you in the first place?” you chuckled bitterly thinking about how Wanda played you, I thought about storming away from the scene but instead I swiped at my cheeks, “she doesn’t deserve my tears.” and stormed inside the small coffee shop shouting at her, “I thought you said you loved me.” she abruptly shot up, “Luna w-w-what are y-y-ou doing here?” she nervously rushed out, “well I was expecting my GIRLFRIEND to be at my graduation ceremony but no turns out she forgot and she was cheating on me with this douchebag.” she rushed over to me, “you don’t understand-” I cut her off slapping her, “I thought you were different from everyone else turns out I was wrong we’re done.” I ran out of the coffee shop sobbing running into Loki who looked murderous but pulled me into a hug, “Oh sweetheart I’m so sorry.” I sobbed into his shoulder, “she told me I was the only one for her.” his grip tightened on me, “do you want me to take care of her?” I shook my head, “no karma will come and she will regret her decisions I think I just need to get away for a while though I’m gonna go stay with Jefferson and Grace.” he nodded, “I wanna meet this Jefferson guy and his daughter one day.” I giggled, “of course I will arrange it.” he wiped my tears away kissing my head, “at least tell the others goodbye before you leave and make sure to stay in contact.” I nodded and teleported home, “J.A.R.V.I.S. can you gather everyone to the common room please?” his monotone voice replied, “right away Luna.” after a couple of moments everyone gathered and I broke the silence, “so I am going away for a little away I’m staying with a friend and his daughter I’ll be back before you know it.” I hugged everyone and then packed a duffle bag with clothes and my toiletries and teleported to Jefferson’s cabin I knocked on the door and Grace answered, “where’s your papa?” she grinned, “he’s making dinner in the kitchen.” she grabbed my hand and dragged me to the kitchen where I saw him rushing around pausing when he saw Grace and I in the doorway I crouched down and asked, “Can you give me and your dad a moment alone please?” she nodded hugging me and then ran off playing with her tea set. I sighed rubbing my forehead, “I don’t want to be a bother, but can I stay here for a little bit Jefferson?” he came over putting my arms down to my sides grabbing my face, “you’re never a bother of course you can stay what’s wrong?” his eyes were filled with worry I leaned into his touch, “Wanda cheated and I just want to be away from her for a little while.” he pulled me into a hug rubbing my back but I pulled away sniffing the air, “do you smell something burning?” his eyes widened and he rushed over to the stove turning off the burners I shook my head and hugged him from behind, “thank you for letting me stay.” he turned around kissing the top of my head, “of course darlin.” we quickly ate dinner and went they went to their rooms and I started settling on the couch when Jefferson reappeared, “What are you doing?” I looked at him, “I’m staying on the couch.” he walked over picking me up bridal style, “I don’t think so you will stay in the bed and I’ll take the couch.” he laid me down and I sighed not wanting to fight, “we’re both mature we can sleep in the same bed it’s fine.” he bit his lip looking unsure, “are you sure?” I nodded cuddling into his side when he laid down quickly falling into a pleasant sleep.                                                                              _______________________________________________910 words I guess I went a little overboard hope you guys enjoy the chapter

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