Chapter 11

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Wanda started at me, "how?" I shrugged, "I fell asleep or at least I thought I did and somehow transported myself to Wonderland and discovered that I can travel to different realms." she looked like she didn't believe me so I grabbed her hands and closed my eyes repeatedly thinking I wanna go to Wonderland. When I opened my eyes I saw I was in the Enchanted Forest and I saw Jefferson's cabin not to far in the distance I grabbed Wanda's hand and dragged her to the cabin and I knocked waiting for someone to answer the door and soon the door opened and I saw Grace and crouched down, "well hello Grace where is your father?" he hugged me and said, "papa went to the market he'll be back soon come in." she grabbed my hand and dragged me into the cabin and Wanda hesitantly entered, "Grace this is my friend Wanda." Grace waved, "hi Wanda." Wanda smiled and waved back I looked over at Grace, "how long has your dad been gone?" she thought about it, "about an hour." I sighed rubbing my face, "Oh, nu ce ai ajuns în Jefferson." I mumbled in Romanian I saw Wanda tilt her head at me, "it's Romanian he should have been gone twenty minutes max." I chewed on my lip, "Grace I need you to stay with the neighbors for a little bit okay?" she nodded and ran over to their house once she was in the house I started heading down the path towards town I was gonna find Jefferson I haven't known him for very long but I felt a strong connection with him. I saw footprints that went off the trail and I immediately got worried knowing that these tracks were Jefferson's, "Wanda he is in trouble I have to go after him." her eyes filled with worry, "it obviously wasn't safe if he had to go off the path I don't want you to get hurt." I sighed and cupped her face in my hands, "I'll be fine Wanda." I closed my eyes and focused on sending her back to the Avenger's Tower and when I opened my eyes she was gone and I followed the tracks for a good ten minutes when I noticed drops of blood on the ground and a blood smear on a nearby tree. I looked behind the tree and saw Jefferson clutching his side I rushed over to him, "oh Jefferson what happened?" his eyes shot open, "it's not safe for you to be here right now." I helped him up and supported his weight throwing his arm over my shoulder, "c'mon I'll patch you up." after we got to his cabin I grabbed some disinfectant and took off his shirt and saw that he had a clean cut through his side and I sighed knowing it would need stitches, "this is gonna hurt I'm sorry." I put the disinfectant on his wound and he let out a loud groan, "fuck that hurts." I quickly finished and picked up the needle and thread, "okay I need you to take a deep breathe." he did as I said and I quickly stitched up his wound, "there you need to take it easy now." he shook his head, "I can't I have to support Grace." he sat up and groaned laying back down, "okay I need to take it easy, but who will take care of Grace." I shrugged, "I can travel here and help with day to day things." he shook his head, "I can't ask you to do that." I chuckled, "I'm offering it will be no problem." he nodded, "thank you." I nodded and said my goodbyes, "alright I have to head back for now I'll see you tomorrow." I hugged Grace and thought I wanna go home and I opened my eyes to my room.

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