Chapter 51

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                                                          *TWO YEARS LATER*

I stared at my reflection taking in the wedding dress with a smile, “today’s the day.” I smiled at Steve, “thank you both for agreeing to walk me down the aisle.” I stepped off the small box I had been standing on taking a deep breath, “you ready for this baby girl?” I nodded, “been ready for the past three years.” I grabbed my bouquet of flowers and smiled at Natasha who was my maid of honor. She walked down the aisle getting in place with the bridesmaids. My smile grew as the music started and I slowly descended the aisle. They both kissed my cheek before handing me off to Jefferson after I handed my bouquet to Nat, “we are gathered here today to celebrate the coming together of two souls.” I glanced at Tony who gave me a grin, “Do you Luna Blair Laufeyson take Jefferson as you wedded husband?” I smiled, “I do.” Tony looked at Jefferson, “do you take Luna as your wedded wife?” He grinned, “I do.” He snapped closed the book, “alright time for vows.” he motioned for Jefferson, “Luna from the moment I met you I knew you were perfect for me one look and I was madly falling for you I will never hurt you in anyway shape or form and if I do you have permission to hurt me.” There was a burst of laughter we calmed down after a moment, “you are the love of my life and I don’t want til death do us part because I want to love you even in the afterlife.” tears filled my eyes, “you filled the empty spot that no one was ever able to fill and you are the mother of my children and I love you so much.” he wiped away the tear smiling at me, “Jefferson when I first met you I thought you were crazy especially since you took a liking to me but I never could have imagined the way that our lives have turned out.” I squeezed his hands, “it hurt so much to have to leave you and I hated the pain that I caused you but I would do it a hundred times again if it meant that you would be safe.” I took a deep breath, “I was lost inside a forest and you set me on the right path. You were the missing puzzle piece that I needed and I would die if I lost you.” I smiled, “I am proud to be the mother of your children and it would be a blessing to live with you for all of eternity.” Tony wiped at his eyes, “that was beautiful you may kiss the bride.” he dipped me causing everyone to swoon as he kissed me. I placed my hands on his cheeks and we broke apart in laughter as I heard Grace yell out, “EW!” I grabbed her and placed her onto my hip, “you say that now but just wait you’ll meet someone and you’ll fall madly in love with them and you won’t be saying ew when you kiss them.” Jefferson snatched her cradling her to his chest, “don’t say such horrendous things to my child trying to corrupt her you’re right Grace guys have cooties never change your mind about that.” Grace looked at him, “but what about girls?” his eyes widened before he smiled, “trust me girls have cooties too.” I smacked his arm, “hey that is not true.” Grace giggled, “uh oh you’re in trouble.” I laughed and hugged both of them, “party time my loves.”  we rushed down the aisle and we headed into a seperate room and he helped me out of the dress and helped me step out of it and handed me the black lace cocktail dress, “here’s to us.” he kissed me and I pulled away to stare at the bands, “I love you until the end of the line from dusk till dawn.” I smiled at the long used phrase, “til the end of the line my love.” we intertwined our hands and headed to the party I danced and mingled with everyone until people were getting ready to leave and I stood onto a table, “I know y’all are getting ready to leave so I’ll make this quick Jefferson I love you so much and I’m glad that it’s you and I for the rest of our lives and I can’t wait for us to start the next chapter of our lives especially with the little one.” I placed my hand onto my stomach and he teared up, “you’re pregnant?” I nodded and he lifted me up, spinning me around before setting me down, “I love you so much.” I grinned, “I love you too.” we ran out to the car meant for us and drove off into the sunset.

                                                                     THE END


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