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you told ghost to give both Rhino and Deemo a resistance before guiding them your home with is a palace, Taken live in the darkness and Guardians live in the light, for safty Ghost makes the two guardians resist to darkness.

after safty was done you tranform into that one taken dragon, you let out a frendly roar telling to get on "were gonna ride a dragon ?! COOl !" Rhino yelled in excitement and jump on your back, Deemo hesitated for a moment "come on Deemo !" Rhino let out a hand guesturing him, Deemo gave a smell smile and accpet it, he took Rhino's hand and hop on your back.

after both sattle down you took flight into the air. screaming of excitement was heard, and the only one who will find this exciting is Rhino...and of course Deemo will find this horrifying, maybe because of heights?

you fly across IO, you fly pass some of some taken, Taken who saw you greet you by roaring and rais their weapon like saying "long live the king !" you were happy by this, i mean every king who see this must be proud.

after a minute you fly across some Cable which of couse starting firing, but the bullet only deal little damage to you, Rhino came out something fun which was trowing a grenade down at the Cable "Jayde can you make the Cable be aroud each other ?" you turn your head back looking at him in confushion like asking what is he going to do.

"exploation !" Rhino yelled

"he mean he want to throw a grenade at them !" Deemo yelled, you roll your eyes before turning back a burst flame at the Cable, the Cable shoot and back up at each other, you fire ramply at them but not actually aiming at them, the cable back up and hit their back at each other, they look at on an other and speak in Cable, they look uo to see a taken dragon flying around them untile two heads pop out "EAT MY BALLS !" he then threw down a grenade, the Cable watch and look at each other.

Cable 1 "what is this?"

Cable 2 "don't know.."

Cable 3 "guys. i think is a grenade"

all Cable "oh"


"HA ! did you see that !" Rhino yelled

"yes we did Rhino...now let's get on track" Deemo sounded annoyed.

-Time skip-

the closer you'll get near to your home the more the environment become darker and more and more taken are been seen "are we going to the right path Jayde...?" Rhino sounded worried.

You let out a low grow like saying "yeah"
Landing on the ground you allow your friends to get down before you turn into the taken king form, you told them to follow you.

During the way Rhino was very alert as Deemo was terrified, the taken share a look on the guardians that pass by.

Entering the palace it was dark of course, you stopped your tracks as so did the two guardians "uh...why stop?" Deemo ask
You didn't reply but cell "MOM! Can you come here for a while!" You yelled, but for Rhino and Deemo all they heard was you screeching and roaring.

"What is he doing!?" Deemo whisper to Rhino.
"No idea" Rhino reply
"Apparently Jayde is calling her mother which is the Taken queen" ghost appeared and answered.

Deemo and Rhino share a look before they hear something, the air form dark energy before a big female creature appeared.

To Rhino she was beautiful even she's Taken, for Deemo is uh....ok..

"Mom these two are my friends, you can say best friends, and uh...they want to know things about me cause...I kept secret to them and their no need to keep away from them anymore so...maybe you could tell them why I lot the memory?" Sainaryx look at them and back.

"Of course my dear son, why not invite them to a good meal and we'll talk there?"

"Really!? We can eat together!?" You ask in excitement
"Yes" she said in a smile, you speak no more and hug her before walk to your friends and translate what u and ur mom was talking.

"She will tell you the truth, not only that. She invited you to have a meal together!" You said in excitement.

"Oh..? Really.." Rhino said as if he was scared something will happen, like been poisoned or something.

"Let me guide you there"

"You really gonna eat there food?" Deemo whisper behind Rhino.

"Well is Jayde's mother...how bad could that be?"

-time skip-

All of you sat there in awkward silence, moment later Sainaryx let out a screech, some Taken wizard came in floating and stops around the table, then the fun begins, the wizard summon many food on the huge table, food I meant by human food.

Both Deemo and Rhino eyes went wide, Rhino was drizzling (drizzling effect) so is Deemo "see? Is not that bad" you said while chewing the food.

Rhino took the first bite tasting the food, his eyes sparks and shoved more to his mouth "I've never ate something so good!"

Next come to Deemo, as he tased the food he ate more.

It made you form a smile seeing your friends enjoying the meal. You look at your mother and ask

"so when are you gonna tell them?"

"After this meal" she takes a next bite

-time skip after meal-

Rhino blurbs "That was. The. Best. Meal. I ever had"
"Same" Deemo agreed

"Shall we begin the story?" Sainaryx asked

"YEAH!" Rhino raises both his hands

"Begin" Deemo said, Sainaryx clears her throat and begins

"Oryx. Oryxsen's father was a great fighter and a great father...he defeated the humans, the human didn't want to accept this lose...At the same time me and Oryx had a child, and its Oryxsen, we both love him very much, but the worst begins...his Father was buzzy while I was doing some laundry things, yet Oryxsen has his own room, he was fragile and pure, it was our mistake of leaving him alone...
From what I know...the human created an robot, but rather creating a common robot, they want to create robot that have a soul.."

Deemo: "And the way is..."

"Yes...they took our son...we failed to protect him...his father try's to save his dear son but he failed... and lost his life...and maybe the humans erase his whole memory in order him to listen to them, serve them.

"but how do you know he was your son when he was an exo?" Deemo questioned

"mother sense" She said simply, Deemo nodded awkwardly.

"Now" Sainaryx started "now you both got what you want I will leave the rest to my son" she looks towards you.

"I will bring them home" you replied and she nod.
All of you got out of your sits and left the Taken palace, when out from the darkness , It was already night, the moon shines bright at IO making it looks like a different world.

"Soo..you really gonna bring us home?" Deemo ask, he worried that in the tower you will be misunderstood and get in trouble, plus tower have vanguard and guardians.

"Of course I'm not going IN the tower, I will just bring u all to your own ship" you replied

"Can we see you again? Or visit you?" Rhino ask in a sad childish tone.

"Of course, you know where to find me" you smiled at him. Rhino give you a warm smile a huge u but not tight.

Breaking the hug you walk with them until their ship was seen, you look at them wave at you goodbye as you do a slightly nod as goodbye watching there ship fly away until there ship disappears in the night sky.

You head home, and actually you want to go back to the tower, you want to see someone that was important to you, it was a risk but it may be worth it.

At least you can see Cayde once more...

𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐿𝑜𝓈𝓉 𝓉𝒶𝓀𝑒𝓃 𝒦𝒾𝓃𝑔 | Cayde x male exo hunter| destiny 2Where stories live. Discover now