Chapter 43

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I woke up and I felt dizzy. It didn't help that I was being blinded by a stupid white light.

Where the hell am I?

I looked around and was blinded even more. 

I squinted and saw that I was in a room with a bunch of tubes filled with different colored liquid in each one and a bunch of needles everywhere.

I tried to get up, but I was restricted and I lifted my head up to see why I couldn't move. 

I was on a bed with straps over me. I started panicking again.

A chuckle I've never heard before entered the room.

"Kasumi Sarutobi," The newcomer spoke. "It's nice to see that Gin didn't fail his mission again,"

"Who the hell are you?" I demand.

"I'm Tsuyoshi Watanabe," He replied. "I'm sure you've heard of me,"

I looked up at him.

He was skinny, but he was tall. He also wore white-rimmed glasses, a white zip-up jacket, and had lavender-colored hair that went to his shoulders. His green eyes had a glint to them and he walked closer to me.

"No, I haven't," I retort.

"Seriously?" He replied. "You've never heard of the crazy scientist in the bingo book? I'm responsible for over half of the missing people and I'm formerly from the Land of Hot Water,"

I've heard of a crazy scientist in that area, but I didn't know if the stories were true. He was sadistic and they banished him because his experiments were too cruel and gruesome. Some of the experiments I heard were things that I wish I could un-hear.

I also heard from others that he tried too hard to be like Orochimaru.

"So are you telling me that you're just a knock-off of Orochimaru?

He narrowed his eyes.

"Don't ever compare me to him. He thinks he's the smartest and best scientist around, but after I get my hands on you, I'll prove him wrong," Tsuyoshi retorted.

"Don't come near me," I demanded and was struggling to break free.

"Once I combine your abilities with Test Subject 45, I'll be able to take over the world and I can kill Orochimaru myself," Tsuyoshi ignored me. "And, I'll finally be able to take total control over the Steam Village,"

I spit on him and it landed on his jacket.

He seemed even angrier than when I compared him to Orochimaru.

"!" He couldn't form any insults. "Do you realize how expensive this jacket is? Now because of you, I have to go change into another one," He shouted in my face. 

"You'll regret that," He added, storming out of the room. 

"He's worse than a rich girl," I shook my head.

Now I have to figure out how to get out of here.

The door opened and Gin now walked in. I glared at him.

"So, I see you're no longer under the effects of the drug I injected in you," He said.

"What the hell did you put in me?" 

"I don't know the name, but Tsuyoshi created it. It's supposed to make you hallucinate and make you weak for a few hours," Gin replied. "And who's laughing now, Kasumi? I told you you'd come with me,"

"Stupid bastard. You let me go this instant!" I shouted, still struggling to break free.

"And you walked right into my trap too,"

Illicit (Itachi Uchiha Love Story) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now