Chapter 46

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It's been a month since Itachi and I had split up and I'm still broken.

I spent hours crying in my house over anything that reminded me of him. Sometimes I'd wear his shirt at night, but it's starting to lose his scent. 

I felt alone.

I didn't have anyone to talk to about this and I can't even talk to my brother now because I can't forgive him for causing this. 

What am I going to do without Itachi?

He was my protector and now I don't feel safe anymore. 

I pushed everyone away who tried to talk to me. I already lost my Dad, brother, and now the love of my life. What's next?

I felt bad for pushing Hana and Anko away, but I was a wreck. I didn't want to face anyone right now.

I've never gone through a break-up that hurt me this much before.

I managed to get myself out of bed and I looked in the mirror. My eyes were bloodshot, my nose was red, and my eyes were puffy.

I had to go to the store today to get some more laundry detergent, so I just tied my hair up in a bun and put on a hoodie. 

When I left my house, I got a few looks from people. No one knew what was wrong with me, but they didn't ask because I would avoid talking about it.

I made my trip to the store quick and started walking back home. A black cat started following me and I crouched down to look at it.

"Itachi?" I ask quietly.

The cat just stared at me.

"Itachi, is that you? Please say something to me,"

I picked up the cat and the cat tried to squirm out of my grip, but I didn't let it go. 


The cat just stared at me as if I was stupid. I guess it's not Itachi.

"Sorry cat," I muttered and put the cat down.

I continued walking home, but the cat started following me again.

"Okay, what is your deal?" I turned to face the cat.

The cat just purred and rubbed against my legs.

Well, at least now if anyone asks, I have a black cat. 

The cat followed me home and ran inside my house when I opened the door. There are always stray cats in the village, so I'm just assuming this is one of the stray cats. I guess I'm going to become a crazy cat lady now.

I started remembering how Itachi's disguise was a black cat and I started breaking down again.

Why did he have to leave me? Why couldn't he have just taken me with him instead?

The cat walked over and rubbed his head against my leg. He tried to comfort me and I picked him up, sniffling.

"You aren't Itachi, but it doesn't matter. At least you're here for me,"

The cat wanted to be put down and I put him down. I took the hoodie off and kicked off my leggings. I was still wearing his shirt and I walked to my room with the new cat following me. I immediately lied down in my bed and started sobbing into my pillows again.

When was this pain going to stop?

Why can't Itachi just come back for me?

I finally stopped crying since it hurt if I continued to and I just stared out the window.

I didn't know how I was going to heal from this break-up and knowing how much I loved him, I probably wouldn't ever heal. 

When Itachi broke up with me, he left a hole in my heart that won't be able to be filled by anyone but him. 

I couldn't help but wonder if he even cares or thinks about me. 

I never thought one man could cause me this much pain and suffering. 

Was this how I'm going to feel for the rest of my life now?

I was too exhausted from crying all day to cry anymore, so I just went to sleep. 


Well, this is the end of Illicit. I'm sorry I had to end it like this. It actually broke my heart to break them up. 

Illicit (Itachi Uchiha Love Story) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now